It is the 'Sublime' color from the 70s Hemis. I got it in Awlgrip--they didn't have it, so they made is especially for me (supposedly).
I used the West Marine non-skid tape, but I will probably paint it on in the future. I wanted to get a good idea of what I wanted before it was permanent.
This is what I did:
I started with a 12" strip at the front beam. The following segments are 1 inch less each. I picked some angle that looked right and copied it down the hull. I used making tape to put a 1" spacer between segments. I actually miscalculated and should have started with a 13" segment, but it actually worked out much better. When we got down to a 1" strip, we decreased the gap to 1/2". We moved the first 1" strip to midway between the adjacent strips and it worked out perfectly.
I have to thank my friend Jason and his wife, Monica for the suggestion to move that one piece--it made all the difference in the world.
I'm going to paint a strip from the front beam to the bow. Pictures coming soon
If you paint your boat that color--you owe me a quarter. Copyrights, y'know.
Lets see your boat!!
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Aint love grand!!
Hal Liske
Livermore CA
H 16 (6+ 1.. Friends) H 3.2 N 5.2 (2) H 17 (2) H-18
Nacra 5.8 (son's) H 20 (Friends)
It's a Sickness
I Need a A Cat Please
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I'm in need of a paint scheme... I do love the MOPAR look but want to keep it powder blue only one thing to do now...GULF scheme
Bob Miller
1983 P16 Sail # 7312
"Miller Time" A work in progress; out of the water for 16 years
Barnegat Bay NJ
Beach Cat Lesson #1 - A free cat isn't
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Man, that's awesome! I love the pattern. (Hope you don't mind if I... um... put a pattern of non-skid on my boat that's "inspired" by yours. (Love it when Hollywood uses that term for a remake movie.))
I'm curious, though. You said if you had it to do over you'd put the non-skid in the paint rather than on a sticker. Mind saying why? I'm looking at re-doing the gelcoat on my deck after I drill 'n fill the soft spots near the daggerboard trunks. I've been holding off applying non-skid until the work is done. I was planning to get the West Marine non-skid and essentially do what you did, but with a lot less panache. But since I'm re-doing the gelcoat, I have the opportunity to add non-skid in while I'm doing it. I can think of a couple of reasons to do it that way, but I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Tom Benedict
Island of Hawaii
P-Cat 18 / Sail# 361 / HA 7633 H / "Smilodon"
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Nice hang time showing off the centerboards!
I gotta ask... Do your volume knobs go to 10, or 11?!!!
Sheet In!
Prindle 18-2 #244 "Wakizashi"
Prindle 16 #3690 "Pegasus" Sold (sigh)
AZ Multihull Fleet 42 member
(Way) Past Commodore of Prindle Fleet 14
Arizona, USA
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That may be the prettiest sail I have seen on a beachcat.
Sheet In!
Prindle 18-2 #244 "Wakizashi"
Prindle 16 #3690 "Pegasus" Sold (sigh)
AZ Multihull Fleet 42 member
(Way) Past Commodore of Prindle Fleet 14
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That is awesome!
I'm assuming that is not your P16. Whatever it is it looks aweome, and expensive.
I think the reason to paint the grip on is that the decal tape tends to tear off with use fairly easily. I know that has been my experience. Pain in the butt to keep it neat.
Dave Bonin
1981 Nacra 5.2 "Lucile"
1986 Nacra 5.7 "Belle"
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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Thanks I got a good deal on some much newer very crisp ones unfortunately they are plain Jane white. I may have to get artistic on them.
Edited by Quarath on Apr 26, 2012 - 09:00 PM.
Dustin Finlinson • Magna, UT
Member: Utah Sailing Association
1982 Prindle 18
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Whoever rigged the mainsheet on that Prindle should not do that.
Pile of Nacra parts..
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Yes that mainsheet looks all mangled up, Not a good thing! It needs to flow nicely
1980 Reynolds 21 Catamaran #38
1988 Farrier 27 # 31
2002 Hobie Getaway
Pennsylvania, PA.
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Dave is right on the peel and stick non skid peeling off. It is easier to apply it if you are just doing a stripe, but corners and deck hardware are hard to get around. The roll-on non skid lasts a lot longer and it is easy to touch up. The stuff I used was the per-foot heavy duty non skid from West Marine and it isn't that sticky. It is like 60 grit sand paper and I still don't have fingerprints from installing it!
The decks on the A look like the boat went through a hail storm, and with the clear coat on the paint, it really brings it out. I am going to scuff up the surface and roll on clear coat with the West Marine non-skid filler. It will make it a little lighter, but it will mask the dimples and look better over all.
I completely sanded down the hulls on my Supercat and had them re-gelled. We then masked off a really cool pattern for the non-skid and rolled it on. It looks GREAT! We used the West Marine white non-skid additive with white gel coat. I filled in the seam that goes all the way around the boat and ran the non-skid in about an inch strip all the way down to the bows on the top, tying it in nicely with the non-skid on the dides and decks. Now, I can walk out to the bow if I need to.
That would be a great way to cover up andy deck work on the old Hobies, too! -
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Awesome, Dan! That's just the info I was looking for.
The gel coat on my deck is old, UV damaged, dinged, and has alligator cracking in a number of places. At the end of the summer I'm planning to drill 'n fill the soft areas, grind down the impacts to check for glass damage, grind down all the pockmarked ding areas, and basically prep it for rolling new gel coat across the entire deck. (Which will mean removing all the @#$^ hardware I spent the last month installing. ARGH!)
I know it'll be orange peely, but that's better than dull and cracky. And if I can hide some of the orange peely effect with West Marine non-skid additive, so much the merrier! Most of the deck is patterned for non-skid already, so it'll mean grinding that out prior to the work. But it won't look out of place if 90% of the deck winds up covered with non-skid.
Thanks for the tip!
Tom Benedict
Island of Hawaii
P-Cat 18 / Sail# 361 / HA 7633 H / "Smilodon"
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I noticed the Hobie 18 in your picture has a sail # 15 less than mine. Just kinda funny.
Houston TX
1986 Hobie 18 Sail# 13031
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I just got some rubber peel and stick grip strips. They look like rubber diamond plate, i think they are made for stair treads. What do you think of that instead of the gritty stuff? Probably would have to be reinforced with contact cement but it would be very tacky, even when wet.
Dave Bonin
1981 Nacra 5.2 "Lucile"
1986 Nacra 5.7 "Belle"
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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Dave, I have sailed on a cat with that foam and it has good traction while it remains supple. The heat and sand in SoCal had it brittle and breaking off by the end of the second season. Maybe it will last longer in your local conditions.
Sheet In!
Prindle 18-2 #244 "Wakizashi"
Prindle 16 #3690 "Pegasus" Sold (sigh)
AZ Multihull Fleet 42 member
(Way) Past Commodore of Prindle Fleet 14
Arizona, USA
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