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  • QuoteIs the Harken Company a respected authority?

  • havliiiIs the Harken Company a respected authority? Harken blocks which we all know and love. See this link and scroll to the instructions for rigging a 6-1, blocks turned 1/4 to one another is the recommended method, no oval race track here. You can also reference US Army field manual FM 5-125. I would defer to either of these authorities. A 7-1 adds one additional sheave and ties at the becket (top block) or the boom.

    http://www.harken.com/pdf/4451.pdf scroll down after PDF loads.

    I have the harken 8:1 system that they show on that page and it was reeved as shown too. I didn't like the crossing lines (Lines 1 and 4 cross and lines 2 and 7 cross,) so I redid it so none of the lines crossed and I don't have lines jumping from the far left of one block to the far right of the other (as line 4 does in their diagram.) I don't want to hijack this thread any more than we already have. Maybe PM or a different thread?

    Daniel T.
    Taipan F16 - USA 213
    Clearwater, FL
  • http://www.thebeachcats.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=87092&g2_serialNumber=4

    No that I stirred things up and my sarcasm and sense of irony was lost on some - I will attempt to get things back on message. The above is My Prindle 18 with the controversial mainsheet. I won't argue with Havlii's references as I used the Harken 6:1 diagram when setting the blocks up for my Hobie 16, but in my opinion the proof that it is reeved correctly is in the operation while under sail. When I sheet in everything works smoothly and quickly, same when I release the sheet regardless of the photo.

    I respect that people like rigging their boats differently but unless we are class racing there is a bit of leeway in what you can do and still operate safely. Yurdle takes his blocks off the mast with a clip, I leave mine on and remove the lower block from the traveler car, wrap the sheet and blocks on the boom and store in my trailer box. When I need to depower while on the beach, I remove the ball lock pin from the clew of the sail/outhaul and lay the boom on the tramp. The blocks were less than a season old when my 16 took its last sail to the landfill, so by using what I had on hand to outfit the Prindle I saved a bit of cash. The cost was some fun on the internet getting "schooled" on rigging a Prindle based upon a photo of a SuperCat. Gotta love it.

  • To bump the thread, here's a pic of the 16 on Jacksonville Beach this week. I set the camera down on the sand to capture the reflection (click on the photo to get an expanded view).


    Edited by motivated on Jul 21, 2012 - 08:24 PM.

    Karl, Captain of Stayin' Thirsty
    2011 Hobie 16SE
    Atlanta, GA
  • Hey, thanks for bumping this thread! I finally have an on the water picture to show.


    This was done during a MOB drill where the person in the water (my wife) had a camera.


    Tom Benedict
    Island of Hawaii
    P-Cat 18 / Sail# 361 / HA 7633 H / "Smilodon"
  • the most recent pic i have after working on it

    thats a cool pic motivated! were do you sail out of?

    Edited by optikid on Jul 21, 2012 - 10:20 PM.
  • the little one
    the big one

    Edited by erice on Jul 21, 2012 - 10:44 PM.
  • My 16 first trip out since I bought it. Gave it new sails, epoxied beams, new tramp and new standing rigging. I also machined the rudder castings to allow more rake and drilled some EPOs to make use of that. I am not decided on the results.


    Greenville SC

    Offering sails and other go fast parts for A-class catamarans
  • THAT BOAT IS HUGE ... icon_smile

    motivatedTo bump the thread, here's a pic of the 16 on Jacksonville Beach this week. I set the camera down on the sand to capture the reflection (click on the photo to get an expanded view).

    http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/338541_508232165859533_1342373029_o.jpgEdited by motivated on Jul 21, 2012 - 08:24 PM.

    Edited by MN3 on Jul 23, 2012 - 11:54 AM.
  • why did you want / need more rake?
    h16's already are close to block to block (on the mains)?

    QuoteI also machined the rudder castings to allow more rake and drilled some EPOs to make use of that. I am not decided on the results.
  • http://www.youtube.com/wa…MNz-RgzR0&feature=relmfu

    1980 Reynolds 21 Catamaran #38
    1988 Farrier 27 # 31
    2002 Hobie Getaway
    Pennsylvania, PA.
  • Original sail on the P18

    P18 with newer white sails and P16 Frank N Boat

    Both pics on same beach at Bear Lake Utah.

    Dustin Finlinson • Magna, UT
    Member: Utah Sailing Association
    1982 Prindle 18
    1986 Hobie 17
    1982 Prindle 16
    1980 Prindle 16(mostly)
    1976 Prindle 16(mostly)

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook.
  • http://www.thebeachcats.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=88484&g2_serialNumber=3

    Gray Amick
    Chapin, SC
    '77 NACRA 5.2
  • MN3why did you want / need more rake?
    h16's already are close to block to block (on the mains)?

    QuoteI also machined the rudder castings to allow more rake and drilled some EPOs to make use of that. I am not decided on the results.

    That's rudder rake, not mast rake. I have read since then the Aussies are doing it as well.

    Greenville SC

    Offering sails and other go fast parts for A-class catamarans
  • My Hobie 21 SE:

    Sails are delaminating quite a bit but they still power up okay. I have new sails still in the bags for it but I'm waiting to put them on until after I've done some righting practice with the boat. Need to rig the pole up and then I'll flip it over close to shore on a calm day and see if I can get it over with just my wife and me.

    My G-Cat 5.0 (I need to sell this now I think)
  • "Need to rig the pole up and then I'll flip it over close to shore on a calm day and see if I can get it over with just my wife and me."

    How are you going to flip it over? I am a new SE owner here in Germany and wonder how you passively capsize for testing.

  • wannathermal1"Need to rig the pole up and then I'll flip it over close to shore on a calm day and see if I can get it over with just my wife and me."

    How are you going to flip it over? I am a new SE owner here in Germany and wonder how you passively capsize for testing.


    It's easy enough to flip over. If you're in shallow water make sure to pull the wings off before you start!

    Get a couple people pulling on the trap lines and pull it over slowly. Can also get a third to grab the mast as it's coming over to keep it going slow.

    We had to do it recently with the 21 when a storm blew in with sustained 40mph and gusts to 60. Was safer to get it over on it's side pointed into the wind than worry about a gust flipping it and damaging the mast.
  • optikid thats a cool pic motivated! were do you sail out of?

    Thanks. Living in Atlanta and being a fan of salt water, I will sail anytime I can get to a coastline. Lately, its been Jacksonville, Destin, and the Tampa Bay area (all Florida).

    Karl, Captain of Stayin' Thirsty
    2011 Hobie 16SE
    Atlanta, GA
  • wow quite a drive to get to a coast from Atlanta, im about 15 minutes from Sarasota bay.

    Edited by optikid on Jul 24, 2012 - 09:03 PM.
  • optikidwow quite a drive to get to a coast from Atlanta, im about 15 minutes from Sarasota bay

    That may be, but I bet I get much more out of my time on the water, as you will when you reach my age. As was famously said, old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill.


    Edited by motivated on Jul 25, 2012 - 12:24 PM.

    Karl, Captain of Stayin' Thirsty
    2011 Hobie 16SE
    Atlanta, GA

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