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Help H14 bridle attachment pulled out of hull  Bottom

  • Hi, I have a 92 H14. Yesterday when rigging the screws that attach the bridle to the hulls ripped out and the mast came tumbling down. On my boat the bridle attaches with 1 screw in each hull. There does not appear to be a backing plate inside the hull. Can I fill the holes with epoxy, re-drill the hole and put the screws back in? Or should I take more extensive measures? Any suggestions are welcome
  • Your best bet would be to switch to a H16 bow tang, drill a hole through lip on hull nose insert bolt with bow tang attached, lock nut fits under lip, tighten and you good to go. If you not too sure where to drill hole on nose, just look at a H16 if possible, keep us posted............ director

    G-Cat 5.0

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