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  • AJ.. NIce link. History always teaches us things.. H

    Hal Liske
    Livermore CA
    H 16 (6+ 1.. Friends) H 3.2 N 5.2 (2) H 17 (2) H-18
    Nacra 5.8 (son's) H 20 (Friends)
    It's a Sickness

    I Need a A Cat Please
  • VenoraIt is probably the coolest looking catamaran i have ever seen.


    QuoteP.S. your "Yellow Jacket" and my "Bumblebee" might have to have a little race/showdown sometime!

    Sounds like a plan! I'm considering starting up a Utah Lake Yacht Club so we may get abundant opportunities!

    QuoteOh, and i may have an old set of bridle wires from my Solcat when i replaced the rigging. You are welcome to have them if you want to try to rig up a single forestay/jib. I don't remember what sort of shape they are in or if i still have them... i'll have to look.

    And thanks again! That would be awesome if you do - though you recognize, of course, that it would even the playing field and your Bumblebee may become a Humblebee when I flip on my nitrous booster rockets ;)

    1967 P-Cat Cousin "Yellow Jacket"
    Orem, UT
  • BadKittyI should have jerked his chain a little and told him he destroyed an extremely valuable boat with significant sailing history!

    lol, yeah, you should have! We could always get a few people to call him, all excited-like, asking if they can wire him the money immediately, etc.

    BadKittyLooks like you own the only one in existence!

    Very interesting. I'm getting even more curious about it now. I'll get it sailing, post some photos around, and *somebody*'s gotta know something. Would have gone out this morning but there was no wind at all.

    1967 P-Cat Cousin "Yellow Jacket"
    Orem, UT
  • ericei was having a quick google for browning catamaran

    and came across this 1941 photo of browning camp cats on a lake

    http://www.corbisimages.c…arans-on-pine-view-lakeEdited by erice on Jun 15, 2012 - 06:18 PM.

    That is really funny as I sail at that reservoir at least once a year. Twice last year. It is the venue for our clubs end of season get together called Oktoberfest. Many in our club sail there every week because they live close and it has reliable afternoon thermals. Some have their monohulls based there as well.

    Dustin Finlinson • Magna, UT
    Member: Utah Sailing Association
    1982 Prindle 18
    1986 Hobie 17
    1982 Prindle 16
    1980 Prindle 16(mostly)
    1976 Prindle 16(mostly)

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook.
  • QuoteWith the early spring, Bear Lake should be nice and "warm" this year! I'll be there sometime in August for a family reunion. I'm keeping the boat a secret from my family until then to make up for nearly making my niece cry when she found out I sold my Catalina 22 before last summer's vaca. My computer screen saver is a shot of the glowing aqua blue water below that boat, which was one big motivation to look for another a week ago. Lucky me!

    I was there Memorial day but I didn't sail. Mostly froze my butt off. We stay at Rendesvous Beach. Utah Sailing Association reserves it for the 3 major holiday weekends every year. $100 or so get you all 3 events for 3 nights each. 2 of them have group dinners included. Tent camping and some trailors but parking can be tight.

    The Water is very high right now very close to the camp area so no long hikes to the water.

    Dustin Finlinson • Magna, UT
    Member: Utah Sailing Association
    1982 Prindle 18
    1986 Hobie 17
    1982 Prindle 16
    1980 Prindle 16(mostly)
    1976 Prindle 16(mostly)

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook.
  • QuoteAnd thanks again! That would be awesome if you do - though you recognize, of course, that it would even the playing field and your Bumblebee may become a Humblebee when I flip on my nitrous booster rockets ;)

    my point exactly, though i seriously wouldn't be surprised if it had rockets... and if it doesn't you should add them!

    70's 18' Sol Cat "Venora"
    70's 18' Sol Cat "Bumblebee"
    60's 14' Sailstar Tallstar sloop "Arandora"

    Heber City, UT
  • I posted a link to this thread (with a few pics of Shawn's boat YELLOW JACKET and the NY blue boat), on both the BoatDesign.net site and SailboatData.com site forums. Maybe someone on those forums can offer some insight into the history of this unique design.

    I'll post here if anything come up ...

    Barefoot 12 Proa Outrigger
    Coastal NC, USA
  • Sailed today. Awesome! Nice breeze, did 10-15 knots a lot of the time. Those sharp bows slice through waves like a hot knife through butter.

    Put a 15" crack atop one hull which I'll need to reinforce. Jammed 2 liter bottles into the 4" inspection ports (waiting for new ones to be delivered) which worked pretty well, but we still took on a couple gallons of water. Need to create a way to keep the rudders down.

    Worst news of all? One dagger board thing came untied, dropped through the hull and was gone long before we noticed.

    1967 P-Cat Cousin "Yellow Jacket"
    Orem, UT
  • Shawn! Dude! ... TAKE CARE OF MY BOAT!

    QuotePut a 15" crack atop one hull which I'll need to reinforce. Jammed 2 liter bottles into the 4" inspection ports (waiting for new ones to be delivered) which worked pretty well, but we still took on a couple gallons of water.

    AAUGH!!! icon_eek

    QuoteWorst news of all? One dagger board thing came untied, dropped through the hull and was gone long before we noticed.

    NOOOOOOOOO! ... SAY IT ISN'T SOOOOOOOOOO ....!!!!! wallbash

    Barefoot 12 Proa Outrigger
    Coastal NC, USA
  • that sucks... but at least you got it out and sailing! Which lake did you take it? you could probably take your other dagger/center board and use it as a template to cut a new one out of high quality plywood then sheath it in fiberglass or something.

    70's 18' Sol Cat "Venora"
    70's 18' Sol Cat "Bumblebee"
    60's 14' Sailstar Tallstar sloop "Arandora"

    Heber City, UT
  • OR.. Take the one U have and shop it around to see it one of the "regular" cats dagger board is the same. IMO.. In those days parts were often "lifted" from other boats.. H

    Hal Liske
    Livermore CA
    H 16 (6+ 1.. Friends) H 3.2 N 5.2 (2) H 17 (2) H-18
    Nacra 5.8 (son's) H 20 (Friends)
    It's a Sickness

    I Need a A Cat Please
  • that boat is 17'6" right? look at this


    look at the buyers guide and then banana 5.5

    Edited by optikid on Jun 24, 2012 - 09:16 AM.
  • optikidthat boat is 17'6" right? look at this

    I was getting very hopeful when it measured exactly 17'6"...but the beam is 7'4" at its widest point instead of the 7'11" mentioned there.

    I'm considering renting space on the back of milk cartons. "Have you see me?"

    halliskeOR.. Take the one U have and shop it around to see it one of the "regular" cats dagger board is the same. IMO.. In those days parts were often "lifted" from other boats.. H

    Good idea. They center boards and rudders are *certainly* newer than the boat itself (as is the rigging). I'll post photos soon.

    BadKitty NOOOOOOOOO! ... SAY IT ISN'T SOOOOOOOOOO ....!!!!! wallbash

    I am SO, SO SORRY! It will NEVER happen again :)

    Venorathat sucks... but at least you got it out and sailing! Which lake did you take it?

    Exactly. A test run to see how it flies and what improvements it needs, and it felt GOOD to get out there! Utah Lake.

    I *might* know where we lost the center board - we sailed to the Provo River mouth to pick someone up off a kayak and when coming about, I felt some slight resistance while passing near some reeds. But with the current and a 100,000 acre lake...I doubt it's worth going back to look (though I will anyway just to get the thought out of my head).

    In the mean time, we'll get another manufactured. Is there a best place to buy epoxy and tint for new gelcoat?

    Edited by bananaboat on Jun 24, 2012 - 03:59 PM.

    1967 P-Cat Cousin "Yellow Jacket"
    Orem, UT
  • halliske...see it one of the "regular" cats dagger board is the same. IMO.. In those days parts were often "lifted" from other boats.

    I posted a few photos & descriptions of rudders and center board at http://www.thebeachcats.c…ictures/?g2_itemId=87625.



    Anything look familiar to you guys?

    1967 P-Cat Cousin "Yellow Jacket"
    Orem, UT
  • I think is more of a centerboard than a Dagger board. Probably rotates to the up position and maybe even kicks up if it hits something. Never seen one like that though.

    Dustin Finlinson • Magna, UT
    Member: Utah Sailing Association
    1982 Prindle 18
    1986 Hobie 17
    1982 Prindle 16
    1980 Prindle 16(mostly)
    1976 Prindle 16(mostly)

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook.
  • QuarathI think is more of a centerboard than a Dagger board. Probably rotates to the up position and maybe even kicks up if it hits something.

    That's right. And we successfully built a new one this afternoon! Oh, it's good to have friends with great power tools. It's all cut out, planed, routed, and sanded. Tomorrow I'll pick up some tint for the epoxy and we'll glass it.

    Many other great fixes on the way as well!!! I'm pumped. We may get it finished up tomorrow and looking much better than ever!

    1967 P-Cat Cousin "Yellow Jacket"
    Orem, UT
  • I would consider making 2 new ones while I was at it and save the original for a template.
    QuarathI think is more of a centerboard than a Dagger board. Probably rotates to the up position and maybe even kicks up if it hits something.

    That's right. And we successfully built a new one this afternoon! Oh, it's good to have friends with great power tools. It's all cut out, planed, routed, and sanded. Tomorrow I'll pick up some tint for the epoxy and we'll glass it.

    Many other great fixes on the way as well!!! I'm pumped. We may get it finished up tomorrow and looking much better than ever!
  • I agree with HULLFLYER if you have the tools to make a new one that quick you might as well make 2 and get all the glassing done at the same time and save the original.

    You should bring it to Bear Lake Rendezvous Beach July 5th-8th. There is a little -No Rules- Gumball Rally Race on SAT just for fun. Bring the Family WIllow 3 Campground is reserved by the Sailing Association. I think it is like $50 buck or something for the family for the 3 nights and that includes a group meal SAT night. Either Mexican or Spaghetti I can't remember.

    I'll have my P18 and hopefully my FrankenBoat P16 as well. I tried to double stack it and take it up last weekend but didn't get a half mile before I went home and unloaded it. My trailer suspension couldn't handle the weight. I need to find some stuff to get the traps on the P16 (no little blocks for the shockcord). The Hiking straps pretty much disintegrated from sun exposer on the tramp as well.

    Dustin Finlinson • Magna, UT
    Member: Utah Sailing Association
    1982 Prindle 18
    1986 Hobie 17
    1982 Prindle 16
    1980 Prindle 16(mostly)
    1976 Prindle 16(mostly)

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook.
  • QuoteThat's right. And we successfully built a new one this afternoon! Oh, it's good to have friends with great power tools. It's all cut out, planed, routed, and sanded. Tomorrow I'll pick up some tint for the epoxy and we'll glass it.

    Many other great fixes on the way as well!!! I'm pumped. We may get it finished up tomorrow and looking much better than ever!

    Glad to hear it. someone did that with plywood on my old cat before i bought it. They just painted it white and left it. It worked great i never bothered to modify it. Must have been marine plywood.

    QuoteYou should bring it to Bear Lake Rendezvous Beach July 5th-8th. There is a little -No Rules- Gumball Rally Race on SAT just for fun. Bring the Family WIllow 3 Campground is reserved by the Sailing Association. I think it is like $50 buck or something for the family for the 3 nights and that includes a group meal SAT night. Either Mexican or Spaghetti I can't remember.

    That sounds awesome, and i REALLY wish i could go too, but i have to work, and already used all my PTO icon_frown In fact, my avatar picture was taken at rendezvous beach when we vacationed up there last year. I love it there

    Edited by Venora on Jun 30, 2012 - 07:03 PM.

    70's 18' Sol Cat "Venora"
    70's 18' Sol Cat "Bumblebee"
    60's 14' Sailstar Tallstar sloop "Arandora"

    Heber City, UT
  • Finally got around to uploading some photos from the restoration:http://www.thebeachcats.…ictures/?g2_itemId=88865

    Taking it to Bear Lake on Monday!

    Edited by bananaboat on Aug 03, 2012 - 04:19 PM.

    1967 P-Cat Cousin "Yellow Jacket"
    Orem, UT

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