I did not tie down my Inter and now I'm paying the price... Heavy wind blew her of the trailer and she took some damage on the right side hull. Here is a photo album showing the damages, I will update as the repairs go on: http://www.thebeachcats.c…ictures/?g2_itemId=91098
I was watching the West System video on youtube for idea, but was wondering if it is really nesseceary to get that invasive? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i97TlAdenv4
I was hoping to get some assurance on how to proceed before I cut the hull open. There are a few spots where the outer skin has turned white
Should I just grind the outer skin away and relaminate new skin? Or should I make a hole, a backing, new core and skin as per video?
In the most damaged area the core has allready been ground away, here I was wodering if it would be possible to laminate on the existing inner skin? From top to bottom the ground area is 10 cm/ 4 inches long
Christian Kurkio
Nacra 500
Inter 20 (sold)
Pori, Finland, Europe