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2012 F18 worlds  Bottom

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  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2qgpneAQ1w
    Check this video out!

    Tyler holmes
    Panama city, FL

    Boat whore
  • Thats CRAZY!!!thats my boat in this video!!!I just bought it from a guy from the L.A. area. I picked the boat up up the day after the worlds. Nice Vid
  • it is so sad when a sport becomes so driven by the almighty dollar that it basically excludes the average cat sailor who cannot afford to compete, just leaves a bad taste in the mouth....... icon_frown

    G-Cat 5.0
  • turbohoboit is so sad when a sport becomes so driven by the almighty dollar that it basically excludes the average cat sailor who cannot afford to compete, just leaves a bad taste in the mouth....... icon_frown

    early tigers are very affordable... Especially once you compare it to what you get compared to high priced dingies.
  • turbohoboit is so sad when a sport becomes so driven by the almighty dollar that it basically excludes the average cat sailor who cannot afford to compete, just leaves a bad taste in the mouth....... icon_frown

    i agree
  • First to TylerH did you train some with Robbie Daniels at Clearwater sailing center this past year? I believe I met you and your Dad if you did? icon_biggrin

    Second, Great video, great adventure, keep it going. icon_cool

    As for competing, hey they have sponsors (very politely thanked them). Maybe I am newer to this sport but I cannot imagine too many other world class sports as affordable. icon_confused

    Indian Shores, FL
    Newbie but catching on fast.
    NACRA 17
  • 27fountainFirst to TylerH did you train some with Robbie Daniels at Clearwater sailing center this past year? I believe I met you and your Dad if you did? icon_biggrin

    I did do a clinic with Robbie earlier in the year but my Dad was not with me.
    I do remember meeting a guy on a N17 though icon_smile

    Tyler holmes
    Panama city, FL

    Boat whore
  • turbohoboit is so sad when a sport becomes so driven by the almighty dollar that it basically excludes the average cat sailor who cannot afford to compete, just leaves a bad taste in the mouth....... icon_frown

    Are you one of those guys who thinks the America's cup should be raced on sailing dug out canoes? These guys who race this dedicate their lives to it and are often financially strained and must work very hard to make ends meet these days. Putting down there sport because you can't or are not willing to afford it is pretty lame.

    Greenville SC

    Offering sails and other go fast parts for A-class catamarans
  • rock on tyler!!! i wish i could sail 1/2 as much as you! keep the movies coming...

    Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook!
    bill harris
    hattiesburg, mississippi
    prindle 16- "BLUE RIBBON"
  • 'Average' sailors can compete in local races all they want. I, for one, applaud anyone who aspires to and reaches the 'world class' level in any endeavor. 'World class' events such as Wimbledon, The Masters, The Olympics are exclusive for a very good reason. World class competitions are not meant to be played at the 'average' level.

    Money is NOT the 'exclusive' factor, if a person exhibits the desire, the raw courage, and the will to work at his/her chosen sport most anyone can attain the world class level.

    'life is too short to drink cheap beer'
  • Tyler

    Yes that was me, I have the only I17 there. What a small world.

    Great job, if you visit again let me know

    Will icon_biggrin

    Indian Shores, FL
    Newbie but catching on fast.
    NACRA 17
  • Bacho, keep your "lame" comments about others to yourself. I simply stated the facts, the average sailor, who might even have above average skills, simply cannot compete at the level of competitive sailing if he does not have the money to afford a $10 000 - $30 000 carbon fiber boat. He has to put in the time at regattas, make a name for himself in sailing circles, get a sponsor, then maybe he can afford the $30 000 boat. In tennis, it is the skill of the player that comes to the fore, not his equipment.

    G-Cat 5.0
  • turbohoboBacho, keep your "lame" comments about others to yourself. I simply stated the facts, the average sailor, who might even have above average skills, simply cannot compete at the level of competitive sailing if he does not have the money to afford a $10 000 - $30 000 carbon fiber boat.

    The average sailor, with even above average skills is not limited by his equipment. Its true that all things being equal a new boat is slightly faster than one that is 3 years old, however in sailing the skill of the sailor matters FAR more than equipment. There are plenty of people racing Tigers out there, Example TylerH. The Tiger is a dated design, and 95% of us could not blame that boat for our finishing position. Brand new equipment is used by the top sailors because they are the elite and don't make nearly the same mistakes as you or I, in that special case the boat can make a small difference.

    Quote He has to put in the time at regattas, make a name for himself in sailing circles, get a sponsor, then maybe he can afford the $30 000 boat. .

    Again, A $30k boat is not needed. A brand new Cirrus is $23k, but there is NOTHING stopping you from dragging a $4,000 Tiger out there. There is no name needed, no sponsors. ANYONE who owns/borrows an F18 can sign up and go to the worlds. Off the top of my head, I can not think of a single other sport where you could go up against the best sailors in the world without spending years working you way there. If you want to play at Wimbledon, dream on. If you want to race at the worlds register and go.

    QuoteIn tennis, it is the skill of the player that comes to the fore, not his equipment.

    Sailor 95%, boat 5%

    Greenville SC

    Offering sails and other go fast parts for A-class catamarans
  • turbohobo if he does not have the money to afford a $10 000 - $30 000 carbon fiber boat.

    Tigers can be found for 2-9k.

    We chartered ours for 500$ and ended up having to replace a BUNCH of stuff,
    Rudder broke, main halyard broke, Jib sheet broke, Cunningham lines needed to be replaced, Battens broke...

    You get what you pay for,
    I talked to Mischa Heemskerk at worlds and he said this to me,
    "Ya know, I do believe the tiger is still competitive and in the breeze Bastiian and I were beating capricorns, and infusions"

    Like bach said, It has little to do with the boat but more the sailor...
    Exactly why Randy smyth is so good... He can jump on almost any boat and make it go faster then anyone could.

    Tyler holmes
    Panama city, FL

    Boat whore
  • turbohoboit is so sad when a sport becomes so driven by the almighty dollar that it basically excludes the average cat sailor who cannot afford to compete, just leaves a bad taste in the mouth....... icon_frown

    turbohobo I simply stated the facts.

    Point out a single 'fact' in your original post.

    FYI Here's the Wikipedia definition of a fact: A fact (derived from the Latin factum, see below) is something that has really occurred or is actually the case. The usual test for a statement of fact is verifiability, that is whether it can be proven to correspond to experience. Standard reference works are often used to check facts. Scientific facts are verified by repeatable experiments, mathematical facts by logical proofs.

    Just because you say something does not make it a 'fact.' Seems we have a presidential race where both candidates feel exactly like you, anything they say is a 'fact.'

    'life is too short to drink cheap beer'
  • I have always enjoyed this website because it was a discussion forum where one could express their opinion without fear of being torn apart by a pack of rabid wolves. Nowhere did I "put down" any single individual or sport as has been done to me for expressing that opinion, I wrote it as I see it, I could not turn up at the F18 Worlds with a P18 and hope to compete. For some reason, some took issue with this opinion, hence the verbal attacks, therefore this discussion is now closed and I withdraw from being a valuable member of thebeachcats.

    G-Cat 5.0
  • turbohobo I could not turn up at the F18 Worlds with a P18 and hope to compete.

    That is because the P18 is not a F18. icon_confused

    Edited by TylerH on Sep 29, 2012 - 12:54 PM.

    Tyler holmes
    Panama city, FL

    Boat whore
  • QuoteFor some reason, some took issue with this opinion, hence the verbal attacks, therefore this discussion is now closed and I withdraw from being a valuable member of thebeachcats.

    Turbo, that is NOT a good reason to quit. Have you never seen where Philip used of go off his meds, & attack Andrew? icon_biggrin
    Some posters lack the finer points of diplomacy, & I know I have been guilty at times. Personally, I think MOST sports at the world level cannot be entered by Joe Six Pack...baseball, football, car racing,skiing, golf, they all require sponsors, & lots of cash, or working your way up to a certain status before being eligible to compete.
    In Canada, ice hockey & skiing reign supreme. The Stanley Cup is the holy grail of world hockey, & was donated by Lord Stanley, to the "best amateur hockey team in the world". Good luck trying to get a crack at it if you are not a member of the NHL. Same for the World Cup skiing, you need to prove yourself before being allowed to show your face at Kitzbuel, or
    Val d'Isre.
    Sailing is no different, & in some ways this is good. The rich kids spends millions to develop better gear, & it eventually trickles down to us. Look at how affordable a Tornado now is. We would never have seen carbon masts, daggers, rudders, self tacking jibs, asymmetrical spinnakers, had the rich folk not spent the $$ on technology to get that little extra edge.
    You need to be in politics, even at a very local level for a term. I didn't think Bachos response was the leading edge of a pack of wolves. As long as they attack your idea, & not you personally, aka "TURBO you rotten stupid fool, how can be so blind yadda yadda ya", it's all OK. I am not a stupid man, BUT, that doesn't mean I never have a dumb idea!
    I don't care how dumb others think my IDEA is, we can argue that all day. The only time you quit is when they attack you personally.
    It would be LAME, to bug out because someone doesn't like your view.

    Edited by Edchris177 on Sep 29, 2012 - 06:00 PM.

    Hobie 18 Magnum
    Dart 15
    Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
    Nacra 5.7
    Nacra 5.0
    Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
    Various other Dock cluttering WaterCrap
  • QuoteTurbo, that is NOT a good reason to quit. Have you never seen where Philip used of go off his meds, & attack Andrew?
    Some posters lack the finer points of diplomacy,

    & i have gotten my head ripped off 10x worse on the other cat site. sometimes warranted, some times not... *but i also like a good fight sometimes.

    Any one of us can find a race with our current boats. you dont have to have a 2 year old formula cat to race. you can even sail a 30 year old hobie cat with class rules and the same boat...
  • FYI , If you sold all them relics (H14T H16 P18 G-Cat 5.0 P16) then you could totally, maybe, possibly get a down payment on a beater Tiger or Capricorn, then show up at the next F18 Worlds!!!!

    But thats besides the point!!! If you're happy sailing whatchoo got, then don't worry about it!!!!

    I showed up with a 5 year old Infusion at the Worlds, and other people are pulling brand new C2s, MkII, Cirrus's and Phantoms out of factory boxes!!! Oh well, I still sailed my ass off, never giving up an inch if I didn't have to!!! And I didn't complain!!! Best sailing experience of my life! Just being around these pro sailors, you learn by osmosis, it seems.

    If you're happy on your P18 , its different strokes for ... well, you know the rest.

    The point is, sure new Formula boats are fun, but you gotta pay to play. Don't wanna, don't do it. But don't knock it if its not you're thang, other people dig it plenty well enough.

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