I am new here and am after some advice for my father about getting a new sail for a Hobie 16.
The best price he has been able to find here in Adelaide (Australia) is $1500 but he has been in contact with a sail maker in China called SeaerBoat who say they are able to make him a sail for much less. My father not being vary Internet savvy is cautious about sending money over the inter-webs and I am just wanting to verify if anyone could confirm how legitimate this seller is.
In email conversations the seller has posted through these examples of there work on a Nacra sail:

And here is the price list sent: Hobie 16 Sail Set Pricelist.pdf
The seller says he is willing to do the sale through eBay for a 5% fee if we wish.
Just wondering if anyone would be able to express an opinion that may help my father out.
Thank you.