Anyone from the SoCal area aware of an organized group of beachcats sailing to Catalina Island, maybe from Dana Point, spending the night and then sailing back in the morning? Used to be a common occurance with a chase boat. I would really like to do this.
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Prindle 18-2 #244 "Wakizashi"
Prindle 16 #3690 "Pegasus" Sold (sigh)
AZ Multihull Fleet 42 member
(Way) Past Commodore of Prindle Fleet 14
Arizona, USA
Catalina Island?
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I would go, I've watched so many videos and read so much about this, it looks awesome. It would be great to go with a chase boat and proper gear. I'm in Utah. -
- Rank: Lubber
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I'm in Phx area and plan to make the Catalina trip the weekend of 7/13. Would be great to go with another boat. Anyone interested? -
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Love to, but I am racing near Santa Barbara that weekend. i think I saw your post on the Prindle FB page.
Have you done this before? I understand there are a few logistics like where to keep your boat during your hotel stay, or permits for camping on specific beaches not very near Avalon.
Possible someone here knows the ins and outs of Catalina?
BTW wnowak, a few of us are gathering at the Bermuda Flat end of Roosevelt Lake this weekend, Fleet 42 has scheduled a Family Fun weekend there. Afternoon winds are forecast to be about 14 kts both days.
Edited by klozhald on May 14, 2013 - 10:50 AM.
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Prindle 18-2 #244 "Wakizashi"
Prindle 16 #3690 "Pegasus" Sold (sigh)
AZ Multihull Fleet 42 member
(Way) Past Commodore of Prindle Fleet 14
Arizona, USA
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I'm definitely interested in this for next year. Sailing form Dana would not be ideal due to it's longer distance (32 miles), much lighter breeze, and upwind angle. I think sailing straight from Long Beach or even better, San Pedro would make a nice reach in far better breeze and only a distance of 17 miles. I'm not certain where we could beach the cats but I think Two Harbors may work. For a bit more distance, perhaps round the West side and enter Cat Harbor as there may be more opportunities for landing/camping. Is there any organization that runs an event like this? If not, we can still setup our own if we agree on a date and organize the logistics.
F18 Phantom
FRA 115 -
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Hobiegary is the guy with the experience doing this run. If someone could get in contact with him, he'd be most helpful.
Dave -
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I would also be into a catalina trip next year ,I am pretty sure I could rattle up another 2 boats.A buddy of mine did an anacapa run this year....very little wind and TEN hours on the water!
Edited by onekiwi on Oct 24, 2013 - 09:17 PM.
Dart 18x2
Nacra 5.8
Windrider Rave x2 for sale
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Quick question guys, when you say "next year" are you talking about next spring because that's when the winds are very consistently out of the northwest?
I only ask because I've had a trip like this in the back of my mind for some time now, planning to leave from Cabrillo beach in San Pedro and was curious if you guys knew more about optimum wind season.
'81 H16 Project to Catalina
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I did this trip many times in the 80's and just sailed from San Pedro (Cabrillo Bech) to Two Isthmus Harbor. We found fair winds in July. All we did was to double-wrap sleeping bags and secure them on the tramp. Once at Two Harbors, we just dragged the cats beyond the tide line and settled in. I believe there are shower facilities and a small store, also, a restaurant. Some people choose to camp at the campground, but that was optional back then. I'm trying to find an old Two Isthmus Harbor brochure with more info but I'm certain you can go online. By the way, I won that 10 hour Frenchy's Rum Run Race to Anacapa. All the other boats decided to be towed in and I stuck it out. I'm getting too old to be out on a cat that long!!! I'm up for it when anybody wants to go. I can either go in my Dart or Prindle 18-2, depending on the wind conditions to be expected. Robert R. Martinez
P.S. I've got a special helmet and goggles for Bob Videan to use!!!! He can even mount a GoPro camera on it!!!! -
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My son and I might be up for it depending on our summer schedule. We're new to sailing and have been looking to meet some folks in the sailing community. We're sailing a H18.
Hobie 18
San Diego, CA
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Are we talking about that white batting helmet?
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Prindle 18-2 #244 "Wakizashi"
Prindle 16 #3690 "Pegasus" Sold (sigh)
AZ Multihull Fleet 42 member
(Way) Past Commodore of Prindle Fleet 14
Arizona, USA
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catalina sounds like a great thing . out of newport harbor IM IN FOR SURE IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED
prindle 18-2
orange county ca.
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I would be up for it in late summer. Last time I went was end of August back in 2009. Sail out on Friday from San Pedro was overcast with no visual of the island and the way back on Sunday was blue sky and a fast sail. Rules are you have to sleep on the boat and pay same fees as other camp sites per person. I'll post some pics of the trip. We had two Tornados, one Nacra 5.8 and my Nacra 5.5.
Edited by davidsd on Jan 18, 2014 - 06:27 PM.
Nacra 5.5SL
Nacra 5.2 (sold)
San Diego, CA
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if I can practice a good deal ahead of this event I might be up for it too so please keep me posted.
1992 Prindle 19
1981 Prindle 16
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My dad and I would be up for this in my NACRA 5.2! Someone just needs to pick a day and time.
1990 Prindle 19MX
1976 Nacra 5.2
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Im down! CHECK MY EVENT POSTING HERE- Im trying to plan a Catalina trip. How many P19 owners do we have out there?? let's hear ya!!! Allan -
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Avalon is not cat friendly, so forget that. Focus on two harbors.
I have done this trip many many times ( my tornado is in David's picture ) and dartman is correct. They allow you to pull your boat up over in the little fishermans cove area. You can sleep on your boat, but nothing is allowed on the beach except the boat. You need to sleep on the boat. Some guys would haul a tent. I usually took a Tarp and strung it over the boom. You will need to pay for camping fees at the two harbor office. We would sleep on the boats and eat at the reef restaurant. There is hiking, kayaking, swimming and scuba diving if you desire.
We would make trips from April through October. Leaving out of Carrillo beach gives you the closest shot and the best wind angles. Usually a close reach going over and a wild spinnaker ride back. The trip can take two hours, or we've been as long as 6 hours to get over.
Not much point in leaving shore until 11:00 am ( either direction) as you will just float. Never used a chase boat, but we were always prepared for the worst. Radios, gps, people at home in the loop ect ect ......
The most successful crossings would come out of LA harbor at angles gate and sail up the coast a ways to the furman point buoy before heading across.
A great trip, I miss those days !!!!
Mark Corby -
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Those who are interested, please call me, and those who have done this many times please give as much of your input as possible. Thx!! 818-599-1030 Lets get a head count- Allan (God bless us sailors!!) Nothin like riding the wind! -
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