I managed to snap off my starboard rudder yesterday while sailing Arkabuttla Lake... Winds from south at 12-15 mph... Whole lake was 2' waves and white caps... Hauled butt all over the lake but on a fast reach with only leeward rudder in the water ( windward was up a foot or two ) I heard a loud snap and turned up into wind to see what happend. Bottom 2' or rudder is gone...
Is there a way to reinforce the regular white older Hobie rudders? Or do I need to just keep lots of spares? Maybe buy some several hundred epo rudders?
Anyone around the Memphis area have spares? ( Damon ? ) I could use a boom and a full set of battens if anyone has em. Have cash ready!
-- Tim Grover
1996 Hobie Miracle 20
Two Hobie 14's
1983 G-Cat Restored
Memphis TN / North Mississippi --
Tim: If you can afford it, take Damon's offer! Old plastic rudders aren't worth working on. I've snapped a few myself! You'll love the way EPOs perform, and they'll last forever and retain their value if you take care of them.