I decided to make 2 pairs for myself to see if indeed it is any cheaper, I will also share costs and processes.
This project started when I was at the local scrap yard and saw a set of aluminum golf cart wheels that were set aside for sale. I started thinking that these could easily be turned into cat-trax. The next step was to purchase some .5" aluminum plate and some 3" aluminum tube. I paid $25 each for the wheels, $35 for the tube and $40 for the plate that is pictured. The stick of 2" .125 tube for the axle was $140. Smooth tires are $65 each.

Here is a general mock of how the tube fits in the wheels (it doesn't)

The first step was to cut some 6" hub flanges for the wheels I did this by loading a big hole saw into the drill press. Mark carefully to get the most out of the plate.

You will probably need to make your own heavy duty arbor, none of mine where up to this job. (Your obviously using the larger diameter in this picture)

Your left with this circle.

The next step is to open up the flange to allow it to fit over the 3" tube. I did this with another smaller hole saw. I did not take pictures but it is the same idea as above. After this I cleaned up the rough cut from the saw.

Next I marked the flanges and drilled and tapped them. I used .5" wheel bolts.

I built a simple jig to help hold the flanges evenly on the tube for welding. Use small tacks to get started.

After welding both sides of the plate I chucked the hub back into the lathe to face it up.