I just Came in to an early 80's model G-Cat 5.0. I've done my research on the boat, but am having a hard time learning about the rigging. The boat is in perfect shape with the exception of the rope rigging. I have the current rigging that was sun damaged and dry rotted. I was able to get the length measurements from what I pulled off the boat, and should be able to get the diameter as well. What I am looking for is any advice on brands and weave styles for the hallyards, main sheet, jib sheets, and trapeze ropes (that allow you to take in or out slack between the trapeze cable and harness). I went to west marine, who had a terrible selection, and decided I did not want to pay between $1.70-2.50 per foot for what they had in store. Any good places online as well to get a good deal? As soon as I get it rigged, I will be taking it for its 'maiden' return to the water. Thanks for any help!
G-Cat 5.0
Charlotte, NC
Catamaran Rigging Help Needed
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I dont go to w marine - i support small local shops - I use mike at Ellies sail shop in clearwater - (727) 442-3281 (he ships cheaply i think)
i use xls (xtra low stretch) for my jib, trap wire adjustment lines and main halyard - this is cheap stuff and strong (for a few years). could also work well as a mainsheet but it's tough on the hands
i use 8 or 9 mm robline racing sheet for my main. it is high tech line (dynema/poly blend), doesn't absorb water (weight and swelling) and is soft on the hands - this line is too light for a jib sheet - this is over $1.25 per foot
I used 3 or 4 mm robline dingy control line (has high tech dynema core and poly jacket for uv/chaffe) for my downhaul and jib halyard - this is about $.40 - $.50 per foot depending on size
Edited by MN3 on Jul 03, 2013 - 09:49 AM. -
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I got a lot out of this thread:
I spent about $190 to out fit running rigging. I liked the spool ends sale at APS.
Mooched Beachcats in the past
Time to try ownership with Nacra 5.7
Port Clinton, Lake Erie Islands, Ohio
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My advice for what it's worth........
Prices are from APS http://www.apsltd.com/c-9562-line-by-material.aspx
Sta-set 3/16 @ .37 / foot (.60 at west) for halyards and trap lines rotator and downhaul
Sta-set 5/16 @ .74 / foot (1.02 at west) for Main and Jib sheet
something a little nicer
MaxiBraid Plus - Yale 5/16 @ 1.55 / foot for sheets
Dinghy Control - FSE Robline 3/16 @ 1.02 / foot for other stuff
Don't know what you were looking at at West but those prices are crazy.
If your boat stays in the sun rigged, stay away from anything with polypropylene in the cover.
Never go with one color, every line needs to be a different color if it touches. Then you can tell your crew "give me some downhaul" they say what and you say "pull the purple line"
New lines can be tough on the hands, get a good pair of gloves to go with the new lines.
Edited by nacra55 on Jul 04, 2013 - 11:36 PM.
Nacra F18
Reservoir Sailing Assn.
Brandon, Mississippi
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Great points, something that I would like to add though. If the lines you have are serviceable at all, I would take the boat for a sail with them first before investing your money in new lines. By doing this, you may wish a line, main sheet, jib sheet, etc. was a bit longer, or shorter. Get use to the boat as it is rigged, then if you wish the main sheet were for example 6' longer, you can just add the length to what you purchase in new line, may save spending money on new line that isn't a comfortable length for you. Another consideration is that you may wish to use a smaller diameter line on your traveler than you have as a main sheet, if you do, it is a good idea as mentioned to make it a different color which makes it easy to grab when mixed in with the main sheet line. I also have a G Cat 5.0, you will love the boat.
Edited by Deuce on Jul 06, 2013 - 07:43 PM. -
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I like my GCat 5.7 very much, and I also replaced all my rigging and lines. The standing rigging I got from Salty Dog Marine. Dog made up a forestay bridle in the Hobie style that works great. All the lines I replaced from Annapolis Performance Sailing, and having a different color on the mainsheet and jib, as well as the main and jib halyards make lots of sense. I also rigged my jib sheets somewhat shorter than stock to declutter the deck. I initailly had some Maffoli Swiftcord on the mainsheet and quickly didn't like it 'cause it stuck to the velcro on my surf shoes and got all fouled up. I replaced it with New England line and like that very much.
Hobie 16
Hobie 18
G-Cat 5.7