The local catamaran sailing scene in my area seems to be making a comeback so I wanted a way to keep in touch better, and it occurred to me that others might have the same need.
So I've created a new "Sailing Connections" forum category where sailors in an area can hang out, discuss their specific needs and coordinate their sailing. Solves the problem of trying to keep up with a local list of email addresses and keeps you from having to "carbon copy" email everyone, then folks don't "reply all" and discussion is screwed.
We can just create a forum for each area that wants one, then direct your group to that forum. If the sailors in your area subscribe to your forum they will receive an email notice each time something is posted to that area-specific group.
What do think? If anyone wants one of these forums, just post in this thread and I'll add it.

Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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