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  • I've been considering what new forums would add value to our discussions here. I don't want to have a bunch of unused forums just for the sake of having a big index.

    The local catamaran sailing scene in my area seems to be making a comeback so I wanted a way to keep in touch better, and it occurred to me that others might have the same need.

    So I've created a new "Sailing Connections" forum category where sailors in an area can hang out, discuss their specific needs and coordinate their sailing. Solves the problem of trying to keep up with a local list of email addresses and keeps you from having to "carbon copy" email everyone, then folks don't "reply all" and discussion is screwed.

    We can just create a forum for each area that wants one, then direct your group to that forum. If the sailors in your area subscribe to your forum they will receive an email notice each time something is posted to that area-specific group.

    What do think? If anyone wants one of these forums, just post in this thread and I'll add it. icon_cool

    Damon Linkous
    1992 Hobie 18
    Memphis, TN

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  • I've renamed the new category simply "Local Sailing" and within that category will be the local forums.

    Start a new topic in the General Sailing Connections forum to request and discuss new local forums.

    Damon Linkous
    1992 Hobie 18
    Memphis, TN

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  • They have something like this on ADVRiders.com - check it out Just the slide show on the intro page is worth the trip

    Lee - On the BIG Lake in MS

    Harstil Kaulua 31 - Current Project Boat
    Cal 25 - What ? Time to freshen it up again??
    MC Scow 16 (1 in the water and 1 parts/project) SOLD
    Capri 22 - What do you mean you wont deliver it??
    Chrysler Pirateer 13 - new addition to the fleet
  • Classified Ads " Europe" would help being distracted from
    deals to good to be true. Cause of shipping-costs....

    Tornado (80's Reg White)
    Prindle 18-2 (sold)
    Dart 16 (hired and hooked)
    13 mtr steel cutter (sold)
    Etap 22, unsinkable sailing pocket cruiser.

    Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • catmoddingClassified Ads " Europe" would help being distracted from
    deals to good to be true. Cause of shipping-costs....

    Thinking about that, how to organize the categories. A solid 9% of the traffic to the site now comes from (all of) Europe.

    I could change the name of the main categories to "For Sale in The Americas" and "Wanted in The Americas" and then add a category "European Classifieds" with subcategories of simply "For Sale" and "Wanted to Buy".

    How does that sound? Think it would get used? I don't like having empty categories or sections of the site.

    Damon Linkous
    1992 Hobie 18
    Memphis, TN

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  • Damon, I tried putting up a place of interest to sail: Marina Del Rey in California. Apparently it was moved to the General Sailing Connections site. Is that where it should be or should it be somewhere else?


    Bill O'Keefe

    Nacra 5.5 SL
    Redondo Beach, CA
  • phantom917Damon, I tried putting up a place of interest to sail: Marina Del Rey in California. Apparently it was moved to the General Sailing Connections site. Is that where it should be or should it be somewhere else?


    Bill O'Keefe

    Sorry, missed that post, forgot to subscribe to the new Local forums. Is Marina Del Rey general enough to cover all the sailors that might get together in person?

    Damon Linkous
    1992 Hobie 18
    Memphis, TN

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  • Damon,
    No, Long Beach (with its yacht club and the public launching area a mile west) is about 20 miles away down the freeway. In-between is King Harbor in Redondo Beach, but there is no launch ramp nor mast-up storage. So maybe an area called the "Los Angeles" area might be more appropriate.


    Nacra 5.5 SL
    Redondo Beach, CA
  • phantom917Damon,
    No, Long Beach (with its yacht club and the public launching area a mile west) is about 20 miles away down the freeway. In-between is King Harbor in Redondo Beach, but there is no launch ramp nor mast-up storage. So maybe an area called the "Los Angeles" area might be more appropriate.


    OK, You've got a Los Angeles forum, now recruit all the locals to use it and bring beachcat sailing back to it's birth place.


    Damon Linkous
    1992 Hobie 18
    Memphis, TN

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  • Damon,
    I'm commodore of Kokokahi Sailing Club on Oahu, Hawaii. our club has a google group site we use for local type stuff.
    We are so isolated here our club web site has a links page with "the beach cats", "Catsailor", "Hobie Support forum", "sailing anarchy" and others so we can get an idea on what others are doing.
    In fact I was on Cat racing news today looking at photos of the latest F18's to see if there are any new rigging ideas.
    I have the boat in the yard and was going to do some minor changes before headign back to the club (no power at the club).
    Anyway we have about 85 boats at the club and we are the only active cat sailing club in Hawaii.
    Boat wise on the high end we have 3 Inter 20's 3 F18's 5 Hobie 20's stock and another 3 non stock.
    the rest are made up of various H16's getaways H18's and Pridle 18-2's

    We sail on Kaneohe Bay all year long.
    Dan Williams
  • Is there a strong H16 race scene in the Baltimore, MD Area? I don't see much from my searches online. My wife and I are considering moving to Annapolis, MD.


    Edited by konzablake on Aug 13, 2013 - 06:34 PM.
  • Annapolis isn't Cat friendly!
    I lived there for almost eight years and it's one of the most dangerous places I've sailed.

    West River Sailing Club is the only practical place to store and launch from but about twenty minutes away from downtown by car.
    The only public ramp in Annapolis is up Spa Creek on the west side of the Spa Creek draw bridge.
    Sandy Point state park is an option but there's a fee to get in and you can't back your trailer all the way to the water.

    Don't even think of approaching the Severn Sailing Association and expect a warm welcome with a Cat in tow. Cats take up too much room in their boat parking lot and they can get three boats in the space two cats would take up.
    If you do end up in Naptown, think about getting a Laser or another one design class if you want to race and be welcome at SSA.

    If you're fortunate enough to live in one of the water front communities you can get access but that take a lot of coin up in that neck of the woods. The chop is funky on the Bay and the wind doesn't blow for a place that claims to be the sailing capital of the US....BS!

    I've not sailed in Newport but if you want consistent wind that's the place to be, though it's a short season.

    my advise....head south and stay on the coast

    Edited by straycat58239 on Aug 15, 2013 - 08:19 PM.
  • Very happy to find this thread after I lost track of how to access this specific forum last week.

    Thanks straycat! Your reply is superb! I will share this with my wife.

    Coming from KS (of all places) where the H16 fleet is strong I had a feeling annapolis might be less than ideal for our catamaran. (kind of got this feeling form the lack of internet presence for catamarans in annapolis) I've browsed the WRSC and see F16's Nacras and A-cats. As much as I love the F16, my pocketbook is not ready for that big of a pricetag yet. Considering the price of storage on Ft Meade $25/month. I am considering storing my boat on post. (Go Army!) Additionally, I am considering selling my H16 and buying a H14 as a play boat.

    I really love racing. It would be great if the WRSC offered a budget boat class. ie: old beat up and seaworthy Hobies, Nacras, Prindles etc.

  • konzablakeIs there a strong H16 race scene in the Baltimore, MD Area? I don't see much from my searches online. My wife and I are considering moving to Annapolis, MD.

    BlakeEdited by konzablake on Aug 13, 2013 - 06:34 PM.

    In the 90's when I was living in SE Pennsylvania one of my haunts was Turkey Point State Park there seemed to be a very friendly beach cat community there... There was even a few folks that would leave their boats at the park.

    But things may have changed..

    I do know from talking to some of my old friends back there, the catamaran community is strong on the area.. You may want to check these guys out..


    Edited by JohnES on Aug 23, 2013 - 03:27 PM.

    John Schwartz
    Ventura, CA
  • Thanks for the lead John. This site looks promising; however, it is not up to date and lacks a 2013 race schedule.
    I will keep searching and following leads. It seems there is a community there.
  • I would like a forum for the Chesapeake Bay area including the Outer Banks, NC please!
  • serpents.tooth.c2, you've got it. Now use it!

    Damon Linkous
    1992 Hobie 18
    Memphis, TN

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  • Thank you!
  • How about Cape Cod? I sail Louis Bay/Kalmus because of the warm water, sandy bottom and dependable wind. I would also love to sail other places at the cape where other cats hang out! Paul
  • Here is another place, Bradenton/Sarasota Fl. Often called Manasota (Manatee and Sarasota counties). It has a continuous stretch of beaches and barrier islands.

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