It was ripping fast on the lake today, nearly more than I could handle. Had about an hour and half and decided to head back and call it a day. bearing away with a heading back to my marina, I wiped out and put her on her side in a good gust. But I have practiced and no big deal getting her back upright with the jumbo righting bag, a freshly sealed mast at the beginning of the season, and my 235# frame, not a problem getting her back on two pontoons.
I was having a problem getting her pointed straight into the wind long enough for me to hop on. And then a passing motor boat came an offered a hand. I had a "bow" line tied to my dolphin striker, and asked If he could tie me off to his boat briefly while I climb aboard. No biggy, just tie the line and I hop on. As I ducked my head under the hull to get to the outside, when I came above water, the boat was GONE!!!!
In an instant, the guy dropped the line instead of tying off, and the hulls caught the wind and the boat took off!!! all sheets were loose, but she just ran down wind in a flash. She ran straight and true for about 200 yards, straight into a dock at near full speed.
The damage is below. The bows are split as in the picture, starboard only is shown, port is a little better. the splits start about 1-2" from the deck, and 3" from the keel.
Aside from this new damage, and a couple "scrapes" (one on each hull, right about mid length), and a tramp that needs replacing, everything else is in stellar condition (sails, ALL rigging, mast, etc.)
Question to the community: can it be fixed (easily)? Worth the fix? Part it out? or collect the insurance, then part it out?

What do you guys think?
'95 Nacra 5.8NA , rule#2