I'm Sander from Holland and live in a small town called wieringerwerf.
My boat is located in Den Helder. Den Helder is next to Texel, every year we have there "the biggest cat race of the world"
Never really sailed it doh becouse of small problems trough my attempts (3 times

Enough sad about that!
I bought my Nacra 5.7 3 years ago and now sail it with some friends and my dad.
I'm really happy with it. Great handling and super much fun.
The reasson a came to this forum is i also have a boom and a spi but don't know how to attach it correctle to my boat. Also i don't know how to sail it.
Edited by sander83 on Jul 30, 2013 - 06:26 PM.
Nacra 5.7 spi 93