I just picked up a nice unused spinnaker on this site and want to use in on one or more of my Nacra's. I currently have a 5.2 and 5.7 that are active. Considering the SNU snuffer system, but I have no clue about pole size and what all is needed to rig it up. I do have some new tapered fiberglass windsurfing masts that are about 2.1" OD at one end and about 1.5" OD at the other, with a length of 15 feet that came with my last 5.2 purchase. Can these be used as a spinnaker pole?
The spinnaker has dimensions as follows:
Luff = 290"
Leach = 248.5" if pulled straight but is most likely longer if the curve is factored in.
Foot = 134.5"
It does not have any patches yet, so I assume I'll have to have a sail company add some.
What length, diameter and wall tube is required? Does the tube handle much stress or is it mainly just to hang the snuffer on and run lines out?
I assume that I need to drill holes through the bows to put an attachment point for some wire rigging that would go to the end of the pole.
Does anyone have a good rigging diagram and photos available?
Windrider Rave Hydrofoil
Nacra 5.2 Restored and heavily modified
Nacra 5.2 (one under restoration)
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.8NA
Adding a Spinnaker Need suggestions
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my bow sprit (alum spin pole) is 13'4"
i have a 5.5
i fly a tornado spin
I had a windsurfer tapered mast previously.. (they make terrible ladders to get back up your capsized boat)
I spoke to the guy at SNU. he was willing to customize a snu to fit my pole. this was years ago. I didn't go with him... but i think his product (and service) was amazing -
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Pole, 10.5’ - 11', 1.5” OD, 1/16 Thick (sunfish spar) length is a guess I use 11.4 on an F18
Snuffer Hoop and sock
Harken Blocks for combined halyard and tack line
H240 mounted on main beam for halyard cleat
H349 mounted on main beam in front of H240 for halyard
H349 mounted top of pole at the front tip for tack
H353 connects tack line to halyard
H092 Mounted to mast above hounds for halyard
H2608 (2) Mounted on main beam pointed aft for sheet
H2625 (2) Mounted to shroud adjusters for sheet
H281 (2) mounted on pole tip for line from pole to bow
Murrays Parts
56-9625 Pole end cap
56-9626 Pole Bracket
Halyard 3/16 about 70’-80’
Sheet 5/16 about 45’
Tack line 5/32 about 10’
Spin pole lines (2) 1/8 amsteal
I'm sure I forgot something
Edited by nacra55 on Aug 15, 2013 - 02:16 PM.
Nacra F18
Reservoir Sailing Assn.
Brandon, Mississippi
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Shows all the different ways to do the halyard mount
So H092 above can be done many different ways
Nacra F18
Reservoir Sailing Assn.
Brandon, Mississippi
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yes it has a good deal of stress on it. you want to (pre)bend the tip of it down pretty far so the middle has a good arch and there is no chance of the entire pole inverting on you during use.
Yup - drill on an angle .... oversize hole... fill with epoxy to seal it (so no moisture can wick in the hulls and get soft there) then re-drill smaller
i will see what i can find... but do some youtube searches and you will find lots of stuff
What boat is this for? i would suggest the 5.7 or 5.8 can handle a tornado spin, the 5.2 would do better with the f18 or an f16 spin -
- Rank: Lubber
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Thanks for the input so far. I did speak with Dennis today about the SNU and was informed about the bend. He suggested pulling the tip down 2".
This is mainly planned for the green 5.2 I just restored. The spin was said to have been planned for a Hobie 16, so hopefully it will be a good fit for the 5.2.
My initial plan is to follow the F18 diagram on the Harken site, but figured many here would have suggestions that would be greatly beneficial. My biggest concern at the moment is the fact that I put the bow foil on, which is going to cause things to sit lower.
I like the idea of drilling and then filling back up with epoxy. Just wish I would have done before gel coating, but should be an easy job to cover up.
Dennis suggested putting a small tube through the bow and using 3mm Dyneema line for the bridle.
Looks like there is going to be lot of head scratching and planning. I was hoping to have it ready for the trip to Lake Powell in 8 days, but it ain't going to happen.
Windrider Rave Hydrofoil
Nacra 5.2 Restored and heavily modified
Nacra 5.2 (one under restoration)
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.8NA
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I have 3 SNU snuffers, and I love them, Dennis has always been great to work with. I use windsurf masts up to about 12.5', beyond that I splice lower sections together and add a dolphin striker. The pole angle above horizontal, and its length will influence the sheeting angle, which dictates where the sheet blocks want to be located. You might experiment a bit with ht and length before finalizing things, trying to get the sheeting point somewhere attaching the blk is easy/secure.
Dave -
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+1 on experimenting where the blocks go...
also ... luff tension is critical on every sail. your pole end location will determine your luff tension .. (if the luff is too long, you can't control the tension). so you may need to adjust the tip of your pole down (or use a longer pole) to achieve the correct luff tension.
there is a sweet spot where the pole/hoop don't dunk under the water ... and too high up where you can't control your luff tension
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Just did this last year added a soft spin to a 5.5 UNI to replace a Hooter. Set the pole length, mine is 12 ft, old Aquacat spar. I have the foil and yes the pole end is low but nothing to worry about. Do not set the halyard height until you can check your angles all of them. My sheets run to the shrouds and then to the front cross bar just like all the F-16-17-18 boats I have seen. The halyard needs to be above the spin and the further up it goes the longer the tack goes so you can set the angle of the sheet. Lots of playing around before you will make it work. For example if your angle is wrong you can run a tack line that is just a little long to get the angle down on the clew. HTH, Ricardo.
Lake Perry KS
N-5.5 UNI +spin
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Plan on adding a spinnaker to my 5.5sl this year also and have purchased a tapered windsurf mast for $30, but still need everything else. I was told that with my bow foil that a mid pole snuffer is better than a end pole.
I sail south bay out of Chula Vista marina most Friday's and it's a blast. I also restored a 5.2 back in the 90's, so bring down your 5.2 I would love to see it in person.
Nacra 5.5SL
Nacra 5.2 (sold)
San Diego, CA
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