I am crafting a sort of one-off version of the original "beachcat," a Malibu Outrigger...
The MO relies upon an unstayed 12 foot (stiff) stubby mast that carries a long yard supporting a 200+ sq foot semi-crab claw sail.
I keep looking for data on aluminum pipe vs tube (6061 T6) for suitability (stiff vs flex/size) and get little.
I also am thinking I can get away with a narrower pipe than tube...say a 3.25-inch OD pipe with .125 thickness, vs a 3.5 inch OD tube with .125 thickness, measuring terms/differences between pipe and tube notwithstanding.
I don't seem able to add picture.
Keep in mind, the loa of the two main hulls (H18 vs original) are near identical (18 feet by chance) and foil locations and overall weight about the same (400 #s).
Any criticisms and/or suggestions re the T6 choices? I suppose I could go narrow and add some carbon or glass but prefer to keep to naked T6.
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Stubby Mast Material
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- Registered: Jul 03, 2009
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- Registered: Jun 20, 2006
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tubes dont make for strong masts because they can bend and fail
tear drop or wing shape extrusions provide much more strength
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- Registered: Nov 26, 2009
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Here is the intel on posting pictures. That & creating albums is in the Site FAQ link, top right.
If you really want a tube, I would go with a small dinghy mast. I have a 2 pc mast, total 25', the top section is around 13'. It came from a Bombardier Invitation, a 16' dinghy very much like a laser. Those tubes are plenty strong & tapered.
Not sure where you are, shipping is probably quite a bit, I would scour the local Craiglslist etc & look for such an item.
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