I just purchased a new to me Nacra 5.2. I live in Bradenton, FL. I plan to sail the boat with my wife. I grew up on Anna Maria sailing Hobie cats, and have owned g-cats, hobies, stilettos, and am currently racing on a 40' custom racing cat.
The boat's in decent shape, but it is missing all of its standing rigging and one daggerboard.
I need to know lengths of the bridle, forestay, and shrouds as I will have them made locally.
Any tips I need to know about the boat?
I am about to buy a new tramp and all new running rigging.
Edited by thejeepguy87 on Nov 20, 2013 - 02:51 PM.
Nacra 5.2 new owner
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There is lots of info about the boat if you do a search in the forums. Finding a dagger could be a bit of work, but there are likely a few people on here that can help out. If not I have a spare but won't be able to access it until the spring. Someone should be able to supply you with the rigging lengths (again mine is at the cottage that I can't access until the spring). If worse comes to worse you can buy a standard 5.2 rigging package from Murray's or Salty Dog.
Dave Bonin
1981 Nacra 5.2 "Lucile"
1986 Nacra 5.7 "Belle"
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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HA Ha ou can sell him one of the boards I sold you! I went over your place today, on the way to Vancouver. It looked bloody winterish down there.
We just pulled the docks & cats on Sunday. I brought the new beast home yesterday...sitting in the driveway, now I have to figure out how it all rigs!
Hobie 18 Magnum
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Share the wealth and all. :)
Awesome that is going to be a fun one to singlehand. I'm still determined to make the 5.2 boomless. Might have to hit up Chip Buck to do major surgery on my main for me.
Dave Bonin
1981 Nacra 5.2 "Lucile"
1986 Nacra 5.7 "Belle"
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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5.2 is a great boat, I race mine single handed. Love it. I recommend a tramp from slo sails and canvas, they made mine, added a custom pocket and it came out great!
I'm going to transition to dyneema shrouds this year, if I come across mine ill measure and post. I would recommend buying a rigging package as those guys have access to more than just my tape measure.
I also have my eye on another 5.2 with a hull that looks trashed, if it isn't salvageable ill let know and we can get you a dagger for a good price if you don't have one yet.
You'll like the boat, it is advanced for its age. Good luck have fun
Cesar (Cez) S.
Hobie 16 (had a few)
Nacra 5.2 "Hull Yeah"
Vectorworks XJ - A class (not named yet)
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Oh yeah, this site has a ton of 5.2 owners, lots of info on here, use the search tool.
Cesar (Cez) S.
Hobie 16 (had a few)
Nacra 5.2 "Hull Yeah"
Vectorworks XJ - A class (not named yet)
West Michigan (Grand Rapids/Holland Area)
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knighton sails now uk sails in sarasota might be able to make the rigging. one of the people their owns a nacra 5.2 so he could get the lengths. -
**unknown user**
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I actually spent some time at Knighton and on the boat they have there. I got rigging for it and got the old tram restitched. They also had 3 boards for the boat there so now I have have a board to restore, but it is in decent shape and the right price, free.
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