first boat... prindle 18 hulls in decent shape needs rigging. I'm new
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OK so last yeah I bought a prindle 18 for myself as a bday gift. Took a beginners sailing class and sailed it all last summer with the shark fleet of Canandaigua lake. The fleet members have urged me to ditch the prindle and get a shark. I kinda like the feel of sailing the hobie style cat over the sharks but both have a distinct quality. Anyway not sure getting a new boat is quite in the cards this year so was thinking about fixing up the prindle. the hulls are decent and I'm trying to keep them that way but much of the rigging is dry rotted and I'm pretty sure the jib has seen better days. Also the traveler is pretty well hosed. Was thinking of replacing the car but not sure what size fits the rail. Or maybe just add a bolt on rail with a new car that fits it. OR maybe this talk is all to waste. Help me out veteran sailers with good advice. I'm looking to stay with the hobie style platform and wouldn't be opposed to upgrading to a hobie 18. Thanks for any info u can give -
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Murrays Sports (.com) carries a replacement traveler car for $80. Made with much better rollers than the white ones. You can take out the rivits on beam endcap to slide old one out & new one in after rermoving beam bolt. Sheets may be purchased there also. I always put halyards & sheets in washing machine to rid 30 years of salt & dirt. I also put footloops on the gunwale for hand holds maneuvering boat on beach or trailer & they give great security when trapezing. In my opinion a H-18 is not an upgrade, 85 #'s heavier, daggerboards on the deck, harder to right. Pete
Edited by pbegle on Apr 06, 2014 - 11:40 PM. -
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Pete's suggestion about washing the sheets is good, I add fabric softener in the rinse cycle. Try this, and then decide which lines to replace.
Make a comprehensive list of all the parts that you'd like to replace, and then price it out. These parts add up quickly, beware of putting a lot of money into an older boat you don't plan to keep for a while. You may have trouble getting that money back when you sell, unless you start with a screaming deal on the boat.
Pete and others advertise a lot of used parts here on beachcats for these older boats, check them out too.
Edited by davefarmer on Apr 07, 2014 - 05:57 AM. -
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The Prindle 18 is a gem of a boat. If your hulls are in good shape, you will be able to fix almost anything on it.
Here is a link to a bunch of random pics of mine (…?authkey=CJWHh8bysLGRpwE). I purchased it last fall and have been pecking away at it. She is about ready to be put on the water.
Here is the list of things I did:
Sanded, buffed and soon to be waxed the hulls;
replaced the deck plates with brand new black ones;
Faired and painted the rudders;
replaced the rudder lines;
Shimmed the tiller crossbar;
all new standing rigging, except for bridle (that will happen soon);
All new lines;
purchased a better set of used sails from Pete B;
sent out new used set of sails to Sailcare;
Cleaned up mast, replaced hinge plate and main halyard;
new mast ball;
created an updated downhaul;
created an updated outhaul;
homemade hiking stick(s);
New lower mainsheet blocks (viadana-great deal);
pigtail for mainsheet blocks with quick release;
rebuilt the trailer;
need to make a new set of trapeze lines, although old ones are still functional.
New Prindle 18-2 Owner
Former Prindle 18 Owner
Multiple Hobie 16s
Boylston Massachusetts
Webster Lake Indian Lake Narragnsett Bay in Rhode Island
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Give us an update when you get the sails back from Sailcare. I like the Viadana stuff from them as well, very reasonably priced.
Dave -
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Peter k. Thanks for the pics glad to see its not that bad. I think I'll keep it. Don't really care about getting my money back out of it as I don't think its worth much around here. But I think I'm going to invest in all new ropes and try and figure out the traveler situation. The rail has a lot of wear. The old car was doing a lot of damage so I'm not even sure I want to put the standard one back on. I think I have another year out of the trampoline but my jib has been repaired before. My main is OK. I was looking at the sails on this site Not sure if they r decent or not but they seem to be reasonable. The pics have given me the ambition to spend some quality time with this boat before upgrading. I can store it whole in my barn so I'm kinda partial to it. I just think I gotta get busy before the season starts. There is another site that had a replacement for every rope for about 350. This sound normal or a rip off. Also has anyone experimented with saying screw a traveler and using a vang. Not sure if I spelled that right. -
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- Posts: 7 ok the other site I referenced is apparently the mobile site. also this is the rope kit. what do u guys think? -
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I purchased 8mm buzz line made by NE Ropes. 40 feet will cost you around $25. That's pretty inexpensive. I believe many of the new nacras come with it standard. I have some uses under my belt, and I have to say that it is very nice. Easy on the hands and runs through the blocks quick. I also purchased some for the jib sheets.
New Prindle 18-2 Owner
Former Prindle 18 Owner
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Boylston Massachusetts
Webster Lake Indian Lake Narragnsett Bay in Rhode Island
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They came back a while ago. Simply stunning. I will eventually get a picture of them posted, once I rig the boat.
New Prindle 18-2 Owner
Former Prindle 18 Owner
Multiple Hobie 16s
Boylston Massachusetts
Webster Lake Indian Lake Narragnsett Bay in Rhode Island
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peter have u sailed your prindle yet? in decent wind where r u positioned to prevent pitchpolling.... it seems to happen so fast, damn wind. also how do we feel about soloing this boat. my crew (wife to be) is only available every other weekend, so im in a tight spot on the other weekends. most people I have taken out are not very sail boat savvy... -
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Looks like you've received some good Prindle info.
How many boats are in that Shark fleet? I've always considered that a cool classic. Let them know they have a fan here.
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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I have sailed it in decent wind. Unfortunately it has been lake sailing so far, but I find lakes with shifty winds to be the true test of any type of sailing. It is not prone to pitchpoling, although in all fairness, all cats can and will pitchpole if pushed hard enough. I used to sail hobie 16s, so this feels like a cadillac. The Prindle 18 is much more predictable.
I also sailed it solo in winds that were way to strong and puffy. My dad wanted to go out one afternoon and sail his 5.2 alongside my Prindle, so I decided what the heck, why not. Again, this boat is much more controlled when compared to the hobie 16s I used to sail. I found it much more predictable. We had gusts over twenty, that pretty much came out of nowhere (I sailed it with the main and jib). I had to constantly watch the ripples on the water, so I wouldn't end up upside down :) It is just a great boat. I like it so much, that I have my eye on a second one, just so I have parts for down the road.
New Prindle 18-2 Owner
Former Prindle 18 Owner
Multiple Hobie 16s
Boylston Massachusetts
Webster Lake Indian Lake Narragnsett Bay in Rhode Island
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not sure of an exact count but there is probably 12 dry docked all the time. a consistent 10 that hit the water week after week.
yep last year I made the best of the finger lakes. Canandaigua mostly. couple trips on lake Ontario. but for a new sailor the lake wind is extremely frustrating. swirling and puffing. I ended up on my side a lot last summer. even sent my fiancé through the main, pulled the luff right out of the mast(pain in the ass). so this summer im going to attempt to not do that again. ill have to look into the 8mm buzz line made by NE Ropes. what ropes exactly did u replace with that. I have to replace all the running rigging, halyards jib and main sheet lines and shock cords. that stuff has seen better days. I took a better look at the traveller car and rail and both are pretty well beat up. im going to have to do something soon. the trampoline I think I can get another year out of. -
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The img link didn't work. To make a photo from Facebook display you need the url that ends in .jpg and it has to be a publicly available picture.
Get that kind of link by click/viewing the photo then right click to get "image url".
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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yep im officially old... cant understand how the damn electronics work... oh well thanks for the help and if anyone else has any heads up on what I was talking about please let me know thanks -
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Sailcare carries Viadana travelers and track reasonably if you choose to switch out the whole assembly. They also sell a double braid line that I like for jib and mainsheets, and halyards. Although the buzzline for the mainsheet is attractive also. Trampolines can often have their life extended with restitching. I also use for New England lines and shock cord, as well as a lot of rigging hardware.
Lake sailing can be very gusty. Part of your job as skipper is to be constantly watching the water so you know when the puffs(and lulls!), and making the appropriate adjustments to course and sail trim. Which again will become easier with time on the tiller. Eventually your responses with become instinctive and rapid, allowing you to master such conditions. All part of the ever challenging sport that is catsailing!
Search out threads here and on catsailor,com on righting, figure out what works for your boat and crew, and practice that as well. That'll make crashing less intimidating. And be aware that older Dacron sails can have excessive draft, making them hard to depower as wind strength increases. -
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Johnny good to have you on the site. I have had a Prindle 18 for four years. Love the way it sails. I sail it solo on the Chesapeake Bay near Annapolis, Maryland. I way about 240 lbs. Comfortable sailing solo in winds to 15 knots over that feel better with crew. I can right my boat solo but if you have never capsized I would highly recommend capsizing it intentionally in a controlled situation and righting it with crew, and if you are planning to sail it solo would also try righting it solo with crew available to help you if needed. If plan to sail solo and can't right boat alone may need assistance of a righting bag or righting pole.
ARC 21
Prindle 18
Annapolis, Maryland
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Johnny, Your traveler track is probably gouged on the TOP because over the years the mast rested on it with no padding. Some of the white rollers from Traveler car may be missing causing minor wear on UNDER side of track, but the replacement car from Murrays is much cheaper than replacing track & car & usually works well as it rolls on under side of the track. Pete
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