I've just finished designing and building some slick (IMHO) Wing Seats for my old Nacra's with the 4" round crossbeams that can be moved out of the way on the leeward side for hull flying and trailering. Hope to test on the water next weekend and get the approval of the women. Pictures in about 10 days if the test schedule and patent attorney allows.
I know some are interested in such for the newer Nacra's with the 'D' type crossbeams. Does anyone have pictures of the outside and inside of the 'D' beams in the area at the hulls? Dim's would be nice also. An actual boat would be great to look at and work with if someone has one in the Corona, California area, and I'll build you a set at cost if I'm able to design the means to nicely attach to the 'D' beams.
Windrider Rave Hydrofoil
Nacra 5.2 Restored and heavily modified
Nacra 5.2 (one under restoration)
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.8NA
Nacra 'D' crossbeams info for Wing Seats
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Nacraflyer - Still looking for info on your Wings! My back gets older every day.
Mark Hirte
Nacra 5.0 1983 - (1st cat)
Deerfield, Il
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Flyer, I have Hobie wings that were modified to fit my Mystere. It uses "D" beams.
Though the extrusion is probably not the same, you can probably use a similar system. Mine was built by a couple of engineers, seems robust, & is very simple,( 2 SS bolts at each attachment point).
The boat is a 10' beam, close to 14' with wings. They don't fold, but come off with a total of 4 bolts each if you trailer.
The end caps don't come off on the Mystere, unless you remove the beam bolt. I'll try to take some photos of how & what was machined on the wings themselves.
The fitting inside the beam consists only of an SS plate that was drilled & tapped to accept the bolts that hold the wings on.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
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Update on wings.
Just picked up some new tubing yesterday to make the final proof of concept. Hope to have things welded up by Thursday and then off for anodizing. The original worked very well and we have had three of us 220+ pound guys hanging off the seat without bending things. The proto used square tube for the side bars for ease of proof, but I didn't like having the hard edge corners (for safety) so we are building the final proof with round tube on the side bars. The design will pretty much allow me to build for any boat I think, with the exception of those with traveler track that is extruded to the end of the rear beams unless I come up with an special mount.
Unfortunately aluminum is not cheap, so these are not going to be $500 a set, but will still be able to be priced well if one understands costs to design and produce things in small qty's. We'll have enough parts made to build up a few sets pretty quickly once I'm happy with the final proof.
Will be sailing Tahoe with the proofs for 10 days at the beginning of August, so I think that we'll have some good feedback from the group. Hope to even get mom and dad out on the cats, and they are in their early 80's. If they can enjoy cat sailing because of comfortable seating, then I'll consider it a success.
Also hoping to figure out and fly the new toy. Picked a Windrider Rave hydrofoil up for cheap and it is ready to go. Can't wait to have the opportunity to scream past some motor boat with just a sail and watch their faces. May the wind cooperate!!!!
Windrider Rave Hydrofoil
Nacra 5.2 Restored and heavily modified
Nacra 5.2 (one under restoration)
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.8NA
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I would be interested in taking a look at these.... I know of another gent that is building a set for an Inter/Nacra 20 that should be here (Ventura) for the Tri-Point race...
You ought to bring that thing up here for the race on the 16th..... Maybe you and DavidSD could get together as a team.
Edited by JohnES on Jul 23, 2014 - 04:17 PM.
John Schwartz
Ventura, CA
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I put some photos of my wings into an album.
Can anyone tell me what model of Hobie wings they originally were?
IIRC they are 10'3" long. The designer told me the original mounts went into the hull of Hobie, I think he said on the inside of the hull?
I just installed them, only have 2 days using them. It certainly is comfortable, & dry.
I only had the cojonnes to trap out off them in 10kts. I was solo & still getting used to this beast. I now know the allure of the Tornado.
Edited by Edchris177 on Jul 24, 2014 - 08:21 PM.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
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My neighbor who loves to sail his Tornado with his wife here on our lake just came back from Indiana vacation where he has a near new Nacra 6.0. He's perplexed because they can't hold it down. 10' wide is an important perameter in cat sailing in any kind of wind. Pete -
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I really, really wanted a T, before I'm to old to hang onto it. After 2 years of looking, all I found (priced under 6K) were beaters, or really should be considered "parts boats".
Last fall I drove 4 hours to look at what was described as "fairly good, sail it today" T. Centreboards jammed, mast bent, hulls needed work, trailer useless. The only good parts were sail,(signed & measured from the Olympics) & rudders.
On a whim I drove another hour & looked at a 2001 10' beam Mystere 6XL. It was in pristine shape, custom trailer, came with wings, a new spin, extra "sticker still on it" Arriba Hot stik & brand new never installed beams, tramp & fittings to make it a normal 8'6" boat. There was no other choice but to yank out my wallet.
The guy who founded & still runs Mystere was a Principle with Sailcraft of Canada back when they were building the T's. In many ways the Mystere 6 looks to be a copy of the Classic T, but with a modern square top,spin, etc.
It sails like a dream, Uni or fully rigged it can be steered with two fingers, with just the slightest of weather helm. I can let go of the tiller & cross the tramp to adjust something without fear. The only other Mystere I've been on, (MN3) seemed to exhibit a similar temperament. I could never let go of my Nacra like that, despite hours of tweaking the rudders, mast rake etc.
I think it will stay as a 10' beam, there is a lot of sail up there, as you say, the narrow version would be harder to hold down.
We flipped it a couple of times to experiment with righting, with two of us it's no big deal, & that was in calm conditions. Still have to experiment with solo righting, so I'm fairly conservative when I go out alone.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
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Edchris177 , if they went into the hobie hull, i would guess hobie 21 sport cruiser, the h17 install the same way but i believe they are shorter.
Mike Conway
Hilton, NY
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Anyone heard anything from Nacraflyer about his wing project? Thread seemed to end suddenly.
Pete Knapp
Schodack landing,NY
Goodall Viper,AHPC Viper,Nacra I20
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