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Cat Trax from Florida Sailcraft issues?  Bottom

  • Does anyone know if Florida Sailcraft in Fort Laudrdale is still in business? I've called them 3 times and it always rolls to voice mail. I've left messages reference ordering Cat Trax and no one has returned my calls. Makes me rethink ordering.

    Edited by MorrisCovin on Jul 14, 2014 - 07:24 AM.
  • I won a pair as a prize at a regatta 2 yrs ago. Had just a coupon with contact info, called them, got right thru and they sent them out right away no problems. Have not heard anything about them going out of business. Web site is still up, try contacting them thru www.floridasailcraft.com.
  • bought a set last year... been needing to order a set of cradles though
  • Hey Matt...I live in Ocean Springs and make hull cradles. Let me know if I can help you.

    Kenny Boudreaux
    2010 C2 F18 USA 323
    Goodall Design "Southern Area Rep"
    Owner of Sailboxes.com

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