Don't know how much help may be out here, but I have a major problem with my old Trac16 cat. As I was preparing to trailer it out for a sail I noticed that my dolphin striker rod was no longer attached to the dolphin striker V-strap, there now being a gap of 1/4-1/2 inch between them. Notwithstanding that I have owned this boat since I purchased it new in 1986, I realized that I have no idea of what is now missing that connected the two parts. Just always took it for granted.
I have been searching for other Tracs to look at and see how they are rigged. I found a 1984 model but it had a very different looking striker rod that appeared to be slightly longer and was simply attached via a bolt through the bottom of the V-strap and into the shaft of the rod. Mine is short enough that even if you could run a bolt through the rod (and I can't see that there are any internal threads anyhow), tightening the two together would cause the v-strap to bow upwards significantly.
So it would seem as though there must have been some sort of fitting or base that sat upon the V-strap and the rod then rested on it.
Does anyone out there have a Trac16 of 1986 or similar vintage that could describe to me how the rod and strap are connected? A photo would be priceless! And if someone knows of an owner of one that is parting it out that would be wonderful to know.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Dolphin Striker Crisis (Trac16)
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Dave, Click on Murrays sports, then on Catamarans, then on Prindle parts. Item # 56-2009 is LIKE the part you probably need. Measure your band width & rod diameter. I may have a used part like that. Pete -
- Rank: Lubber
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Thanks very much for your help. My measurements are 1 1/2" wide for the V-strap and the striker rod is 1/2" diameter.
How does that compare to your part?
Thanks again.
Dave -
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Dave, Welcome to!
Sorry you are having trouble with your Trac 16. I looked around to see I we have any pictures or assembly manuals. Didn't find any manuals and the only Trac 16 pictures I came up with are illustrating a deck repair with no dolphin striker in sight.
Take a look at the album, if you get a chance please take pictures and document your problem and repair for the next Trac owner that stops by.
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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The P-16 part is 1" wide & 1/2" rod hole. I've seen Nacra ones that are wider though. Pete -
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Does it look like this will fit?
That is the same part Pete showed you, but for a Nacra. IIRC the V strap is pretty close to 1 1/2" The DS rod on the Nacra is 9/16", you would have to fit it then fill around the rod with JB Weld or something.
I have one, will measure it tomorrow. I'm in Canada, maybe Pete has one...the postage would be cheaper than from here.
The DS rods on the older (pre '80s) Nacras were around 1/2", but the straps were also narrower.
Edited by Edchris177 on Jul 30, 2014 - 08:16 AM.
Hobie 18 Magnum
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these are some photos of a friends trac 16 that has had a reinforcing repair on the dolphin striker. i'm not sure if the original part is still in there but it looks like it is. i'll ask him if he has any other photos before the repair and if so, i'll post them. not sure if this helps.
Aquacat 12 (sold)...'87 Nacra 5.8 (sold)...'03 Nacra Inter18 (sold)
Venture 15 (sold)....'89 Nacra 5.8 (sold)...'91 Nacra 5.8NA (sold)
'99 Nacra Inter20 (sold)
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How did you make out?
I measured the V-strap from the Nacra, it is 1.5" wide, same as your Trac. The Nacra "saddle" will fit. They are "soft secured" to the V strap using adhesive silicone, or something like Dow 5200.
If your DS rod is 1/2", the easy mod is to find a piece of tubing with an ID of 1/2", & OD of 9/16". It could be plastic, aluminum, copper etc.
Cut off a piece, 3/8"- 1/2" long, slip over the DS rod end with a bit of JB weld or Dow 5200 to stick it to the rod & you're good to go for another 25 years.
The force on the rod is mostly vertical, the bit of tubing just shims it to fit the divot in the saddle.
Hobie 18 Magnum
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Thanks to all for your excellent suggestions! I have sent personal messages to many of you.
Ed, based on your and others comments, I have ordered one of the Nacra castings from Murray. Will cross my fingers that it fits OK with no or minimal modifications. Good ideas about fabricating a sleeve (if needed) for the rod.
I'll let everyone know how things progress.
Dave -
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I had a senior moment there, forget the sleeve. The difference between 1/2" & 9/16" is so little you won't find a tube thin enough. The only thing that would be that thin is shim stock. You would have to wrap it around DS, then wrap tape on the top part to hold it. Just fill the gap with JB Weld or something. Your DS might actually be 9/16" & eliminate any problem.
I stopped in at Murrays a few years ago, good people. They are out of stock on some legacy Nacra items. If that is the case let me know, I have a saddle & can mail it to you.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
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