Couple of questions regarding setup & trim.
In this photo you can see the foot of the kite is horizontal, due to the angle of the spin pole. I know from monohulls they "open or tighten" the spin by allowing the pole to rise, or winch it down.
Is there a rule of thumb, or a "standard" angle for the pole, considering you cannot control it on the fly as is the case on the monohulls?
Also, you can see that the telltales on the main are flying, but I have often seen them not in trim. How far can you safely travel out to trim the main without jeopardizing the mast?
In the image above you can clearly see the sheet angles, going to the ratchet block on the rear beam. Most people seem to locate the blocks on the stay adjuster. As you can see, that would change the angle considerably, & pull the clew down more than stretching it rearwards. Which is better, or does it depend on the cut of the spin?
Lastly, how tight should the lines be from the end of the pole to the bridal tangs? I have seen photos showing the pole bent downwards. My pole is 2" aluminum, & takes quite a bit to bend it downwards. Should these lines be tight as in tighter is better, or just snug, or does it matter?
We used to play the end of the pole on the monos, throug a fair bit of arc, depending on the apparent wind, but you can't do this on the Cat.
Hobie 18 Magnum
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