Ok, I am sure I could search this forum or look at youtube to figure out what to do with these, but thought I would post some pics and let you all tell me what you think of these. Lots of holes, the previous owner filled in with resin?.
Holes filled with resin really isn't a big deal. When swapping the rudders to different castings/boats, the holes sometimes have to be relocated and the old holes should be filled. If you need to re-use one of the holes, just drill it back out.
As far as the surface finish, this is very common with EPO rudders, especially if they have been left out in the sun. They can be brought back to very good condition, even if they're in bad shape right now.
Here is how I've reworked older EPO's. Use sand paper (80 or 100 grit) to knock off any loose/exposed fibers. Then scuff/sand the entire rudder with 150 grit paper. Coat the entire rudder (one side at at time) with epoxy resin. Sand down the resin to a smooth finish (a sanding sponge is ideal for this). Then wet sand with 220 grit. Spray paint with krylon flat black (at least two coats) and wet sand up to 1500 grit for a super smooth final finish.
i've done epo rudders using this. prep as dogboy says and then mix this graphite powder filler with your resin and roll on followed by "tipping" with a foam brush to flatten out. let it cure and wet sand with 600 or finer to get a glass smooth, low friction surface.