NACRA 5.5 uni - project boat, main beam damage
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Will a 5.2 boom work for you?
The fitting that holds it to the mast is a fairly strong piece of kit, SS plate.
I have a spare boom & the fitting that joins it to the mast,(exactly the same as in the photo above) I can measure the boom for length, but the mast fitting is at one of my other houses...& I'm out of country til end of Jan.
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The first factory 18 squares produced by Nacra were based on the 5.2 hulls but a later model used the hulls from the 5.5 .
I don't know if the 5.5 based Nacra 18 Square also used the same mast, if it did I would think the sail would extend further behind the rear beam the standard 5.5, but just guessing on that.
Factory Sails Sheet for the 5.5 based 18 Square.
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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I'm aware the early 18sq used 5.2 meter hulls. Looking at the flyer, its clear that it used to be labeled as a Nacra 5.5, when that usually means something else now to most people (5.5 uni or SL) and we specifically refer to this guy as an 18sq. So the simple '5.5' decals on my hull and sail aren't entirely misleading. I just wish they'd added "CHOPPED DOWN" decals. Hey, that's a great name for my boat! haha!
Edited by sierracat on Dec 31, 2014 - 11:13 AM.
Hobie Getaway, Nacra 5.5, Hobie Tiger
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Try it before you go to a boom. Chances Are it's fine. Off not , between Chris and myself we can get you set up with a boom proper. But it sounds like it should work.
Dave Bonin
1981 Nacra 5.2 "Lucile"
1986 Nacra 5.7 "Belle"
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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I don't want to make more work for myself… but I'm sure it needs a boom! I wish I had taken clearer photos from different angles. The main is not pulled aft by the sheet angle, period. With a bigger sail than the boat is meant to have (+20sq ft I think) I think I'll really need to be able to flatten the sail properly to depower. I used to enjoy going out in a good blow, and that probably hasn't changed.
The other issue is: I'm about to install the tramp, and more importantly, about to rivet the padeyes along the rear beam for the tramp. The angle of my beams is not fixed yet. That's why I put the mast and sail up as a test, before the tramp was ready. I wanted to check the angle of the mast rod against the mast rake, to rotate the main beam and get them in line, and I wanted to check the angle of the traveller to the sail for proper pull, and rotate the rear beam so that my tramp padeyes will be in the correct place.
I'm going to go ahead and rotate the rear beam a little aft, anticipating the boom addition before summer, and install my pad eyes and get this damn tramp on.
Chris/Dave, that would be great! I'll buy the tubing, but some fittings would be great to get hold of second hand - happy to pay and save a Murrays purchase.
Cheers guys.
Hobie Getaway, Nacra 5.5, Hobie Tiger
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Why bother with buying tubing, then trying to cobble it together? I'll send you a 5.2 boom WITH all the fittings, mast attach/gooseneck, adjustable outhaul, cleats mounted etc.
I have 2 complete 5.2 booms assemblies.
Only problem, I'm in Hongkong as I type,(yeah it's 02:30am here) heading for Singapore in a few hours. Travelling through Cambodia & Vietnam for most of Jan, so I wouldn't be able to ship you any parts til then. I do have a bunch of photos on this computer, send me your email, (via PM, don't post it here) & I'll send you some, give you ideas if nothing else.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
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Hi Chris,
I was mainly thinking about the cost of postage. You are in Canada, correct? Also, I just assumed a 5.2 boom would be too short, given its a shorter boat with a smaller mainsail. But I have no way of confirming this. I'll try and unroll my sail and measure the foot, maybe that will give us a better idea. If we can figure all that out, then a whole boom would be awesome! Like I say, no sweat otherwise making my own if a small parcel of fittings can be sent economically. No hurry, I have all winter. I'll shoot you and email and we'll figure something out. Gotta run - three 1 year olds tugging at my leg! (how I ever managed to get this far on the boat I have no idea
Edited by sierracat on Jan 02, 2015 - 12:52 PM.
Hobie Getaway, Nacra 5.5, Hobie Tiger
Wish list: A-cat classic, F16 Viper!
Northern California
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Hiya all,
If you have been following this, then the latest is that the tramp has been restitched (fingers crossed) and installed on the boat. The trailer is finished, except for lights, and the front upright for the mast (the rear upright is finished, and pivots down for boat unloading). Still need to paint my welds. Also need to remove what's left of the ancient hiking straps and install new ones (line through eyelets, with pipe insulation foam wrapped around them). Also had the upholstery guy make a simple pocket on the front of the tramp (the white thing in the pic) with a velcro closure, for stashing the main halyard and the righting line.
I've committed to making this a boom rig (given the sail is an early 18sq and was made to have one) and because of the angle I chose for the rear beam/traveller, and the eyelet positions for the tramp lacing. No going back now. Boom is the last project on the list.
Working on the rudders right now. That's a whole other story. I'll start a new thread then post the link here.
Summer is coming!
Edited by sierracat on Feb 22, 2015 - 11:02 PM.
Hobie Getaway, Nacra 5.5, Hobie Tiger
Wish list: A-cat classic, F16 Viper!
Northern California
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Link to rudder thread:
Hobie Getaway, Nacra 5.5, Hobie Tiger
Wish list: A-cat classic, F16 Viper!
Northern California
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Finished! Maiden voyage last weekend was in very light winds, but enough to test everything out, and it went very well. Rigged quickly and without issue on the beach, and away we went. So happy to be done and looking forward to a great summer of sailing and exploring local lakes. Thanks everyone for you helpful input as I navigated this project.
Before: Dirty, damaged boat in pieces, as retrieved from a barn after sitting many years
Almost done, weather warming up. Stay hydrated with some good homebrew.
Maiden voyage, all that hard work about to pay off.
Hobie Getaway, Nacra 5.5, Hobie Tiger
Wish list: A-cat classic, F16 Viper!
Northern California
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nice work. can you post a pic of your finished rudder system : tiller arm to cross-bar joint?
Jim Casto
NACRA 5.5 uni
Lake Travis Austin TX
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