Hello everyone, found the site a couple months back when I picked up a cat on a trade. I am an old salt dog and been on the water for some 45 years. I presently live in Utah in the high Rockies, or rather the high plains desert. We have several bodies of water to sail on, so the views are great out here. But very cold at times, like today we are at 8* presently. So the sailing for tomorrow is very daft out here. I did some horse trading and ended up with a 1960 Schock 25 fixed keel sloop. Then swapped out a beginner wind board and 8' truck topper for a 16' AMF Trac, it had problems, busted mast, split rudders and such. So I managed to find a mast from a Prindle and found some rudders too. Next was a brilliant trade, a Ryobi tablesaw with stand for a 18' Sol-Cat hulls and tramp. Now I need to refit this Sol-Cat for the short summer season out here. Next is the Capri Cyclone I picked up for pennies to train my kids before they get on the cats.
So I have a small fleet various crafts and wish the snow was gone and at least 45* outside.
Good Day All, Edgel