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Prindle 19 chicken line  Bottom

  • Anybody use a chicken line on a 19 and if so where did you place it?


    Dart 18x2
    Nacra 5.8
    Windrider Rave x2 for sale
  • whats a chicken line ???? btw carl, this is tom (the guy that bought your narca 5.8) .......question ,,, are you planning to sail the tri point race on the 15th ????? im hoping to, but im waiting on my new head sail to show up
  • Hey Tom, hell yes we are doing the tri-point.Just use the old headsail if the new does not come in.We are heading down on Friday to setup, sail etc.The TP is a great race, should have a lot of beachcats, you got all the info on entering RIGHT?
    Chicken line is a line you can clip on to when you are out on the trapeze, helps to stop you from getting flung forward when the bows go under or the cat stalls,makes things a lot more manageable.

    Edited by onekiwi on Aug 04, 2015 - 01:44 PM.


    Dart 18x2
    Nacra 5.8
    Windrider Rave x2 for sale
  • im having a hard time finding the entry info as of now any help would be great ...... cant use old head sail , the zipper is trashed (wont stay closed ) but new sail should be here next week ..... my cell # 951 326 9637
  • http://pbyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015_IS_OnlineEntryForm.pdf


    Dart 18x2
    Nacra 5.8
    Windrider Rave x2 for sale
  • ok I got hold of susan and Richard ( they run the race ) they told me I can just sign up and pay when I see them Friday ( cool folks that understand im a dummie with computers)......I guess ill be the 7th beachcat that's going to be there ...... cool .... I guess I now need to go buy a vhf radio ...... ill be there Friday also to do alittle evening sailing
  • That's good Tom, I have a couple of spare jibs I can take down if your new one does not turn up.
    Only 7 boats so far.... hopefully the Arizona crew are coming.


    Dart 18x2
    Nacra 5.8
    Windrider Rave x2 for sale
  • ty carl , ill let you know next week if I need your jib
  • The Dart 18 (British heavy weather catamaran) comes standard with chicken lines. They're attached to the stern hulls and have a stainless steel hook on the other end that attaches to your trap harness. A bungy line also is attached to the hook to keep it in place on the boat. Since all my sailing is done out in the Santa Barbara Channel, I have made footloops (similar to those that come standard on the Dart) and have attached them to my Prindle 18-2. It makes for a more secure day of sailing. I recommend both modifications to any catamaran that sails in heavier winds!!! Bob Martinez
  • carl, thank you much for the jib offer .....just picked up new jib and what beautiful job skip did.....hes now making me a new main sail... woo hoo

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