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  • pbegleWhat makes racers come back to the Tripoint? Az gang always comes; Big Bear group is growing as is Dago & Isabel. IT'S THE WIND!!! Forget predictions, it always has wind in mid-Aug. Close reach starboard start in 8-10, building to 10-12 single trap working to the island with a container ship thrown in for worry. And we never had a screaming reach behind the island before nor a 1 mile completely dead zone. Finally a slow beat to the West end before setting up for a vicious 15 mile reach in 15-18 with 4-5' waves that just grind you down. On my boat at least we always say "never again" Said it 3 years now. Funny how it changes at the harbor docks in the warmth of the afternoon sun. 3 1/2- 4 hrs is about right for a drag race. Already tuning the boat for next year! Pete

    First off the Tri Point is not a race...it is an addiction! And there is no 12 step program

    When I fist did this on a NACRA 5.8 in 2005 to prove a beachcat could do this and the Hard Way race PBYC was a bit skeptical that we could field enough sailor to make a class... Now it is the largest fleet in the race,, and I hope to see you all next year... All the way from the west end of anacapa to the finish line on a screaming beam reach that day I was saying ... This is a custome made race for a beachcat

    There is a rumor the a ultra modern 20' may show up.

    Till next August

    Edited by JohnES on Aug 18, 2015 - 01:27 AM.

    John Schwartz
    Ventura, CA
  • I wish i could have made it!!!! Next year for sure! And yes, let the frieghter pass on by. I guess I was used to playing cat and mouse with aircraft carriers but they don't move at 20 knots in the bay. icon_lol

    Nacra 5.5SL
    Nacra 5.2 (sold)
    San Diego, CA
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JP4W1GuXd1Q
  • loved this race. watching it last year was what made me buy a cat and sail at big bear with pete.

    here is our vid up to the dead spot behind the island!

  • bazdarcyloved this race. watching it last year was what made me buy a cat and sail at big bear with pete.

    here is our vid up to the dead spot behind the island!


    Cool video... thanks.

    Maybe we'll have enough Prindle 18's next year that we can have our own class.... Let's circle back next spring and if this is the case I can let the PBYC know and maybe even get our own trophies...

    Shoot me an email c152u ### roadrunner $$$ com

    ### = @ $$$ = .


    John Schwartz
    Ventura, CA
  • I like the idea of A-Fleet and B-Fleet cats because it allows for more trophies than just a combined 1st-3rd. I would, however, like an additional First All-Around trophy based on the ratings. Hope to see you out there John. Bob Martinez, Dart 18, Prindle 18-2, and Nacra 5.2 (Again, thanks to all the sailors that came out this year!!!)
  • Bob,

    There were three NACRA 20's this year.... and there may be a few more next year. If they have five,. they have a class... Factor in Brett.... that's 4, and I am sure there will be another.. I know with myself, Pete Beagle, BazDarcy, Duane and Letty is 4 P-18's... one more and we have a class... maybe that one more can be you? Dump your 18-2, and 5.2 and get an 18..

    As for the classes ... I agree, the more classes the better and considering the beach cats had 11 boats entered and this bested the other class entries by at least 100% there should be more trophies.. I don't know where the line was drawn this year.. How did you guys do it? I know that the prior year we did it by DP-N number and I believe the 65 was the divider... In looking at the result I find it odd the that first 4 places in B-Fleet beat the first three in A -fleet after correction... and an average of 20 minutes between the two... Wazup wid dat?

    I know were still a long way off, but this is something that Richard and Susan need to start planning for.. I shoot them an email and get their feedback as well as bringing back the Island Series Overall Winner Trophy for both the Trip Point and the Milt..

    Anyway, are you going to be around on Sunday? My Saturday is shot with soccer, out of town guest, and other Saturday stuff...

    Take care

    Edited by JohnES on Aug 26, 2015 - 07:09 PM.

    John Schwartz
    Ventura, CA
  • I looked at the results myself and noticed that about the first 4 in B fleet beat the first 3 in A fleet ?? with the diverse boats and some high DP-N numbers we may need some more classes to cope with the #'s and boat spread.
    We had a great time racing as usual this year with an almost out of control dash on part of the way back!!! With the doldrums on the back of Anacapa it turns the race into a 20 mile dash!

    Edited by onekiwi on Aug 26, 2015 - 08:44 PM.


    Dart 18x2
    Nacra 5.8
    Windrider Rave x2 for sale
  • onekiwiI looked at the results myself and noticed that about the first 4 in B fleet beat the first 3 in A fleet ?? with the diverse boats and some pie in the sky DP-N numbers we may need some more classes to cope with the #'s and boat spread.
    We had a great time racing as usual this year with an almost out of control dash on part of the way back!!! With the doldrums on the back of Anacapa it turns the race into a 20 mile dash!


    Glad you and your clan had a good time... I am really regretting missing it this year... but duty calls and that duty pays the bills around here..

    There is a solution to the out of date DP-N system and it is the SCHRS system... http://www.schrs.com/ratings.php

    These ratings are using more recent data points, that are more current than the Porstmouth DP-N.

    I am going to plug in the times and the ratings and see where things punch out and maybe we as a group should consider moving over to this. The only problem is even though this system allows for modification, this entails a measurement.. therefore these ratings are for a stock boat with class legal equipment. Maybe we should look to have an open class too.... no rating, race what you bring with what ever equipement is on the boat, and first over the line wins...

    John Schwartz
    Ventura, CA
  • John can you tell me the formula for the dp-n elasped time and how it works?
    Open class sounds cool ...imagine what franken boats would turn up!!
    At the end of the day it is all about having a good time.

    Edited by onekiwi on Aug 26, 2015 - 10:01 PM.


    Dart 18x2
    Nacra 5.8
    Windrider Rave x2 for sale
  • onekiwi
    At the end of the day it is all about having a good time.Edited by onekiwi on Aug 26, 2015 - 10:01 PM.

    Bingo... we have a winner..

    As for DP-N

    Corrected Time = Elapsed Time × Scale / Handicap

    John Schwartz
    Ventura, CA
  • Bob Videan, do you want to chime in? John, I'll be out on Sunday; I have Saturday stuff to do and a possible car show that afternoon. Got to get my 70 AMX ready!!!!

    Edited by Dartman on Aug 27, 2015 - 12:42 AM.
  • Regardless of what handycap rating system is used, the course is going to favor some boats/designs over others. In general spinnaker boats get screwed on the tripoint race. With mostly long reaches, they rarely get to use it. I think everyone knows there are boats which are well suited to do well on adjusted time...its kindof the nature of the beast.

    I personally think it would be great if we had "Summer Beachcat Seriese" where there are awards based on the results from multiple races. The three that come to mind are: Frencies Rum Run, The Milt Ingram, and TriPoint. Teams need to compete in all three to qualify. It would be good increase participation in the other races.

    Geno Hacker
    Lake Isabella, California
    Supercat 20, 1/2 of a B-Lion, H18, P16, H14
  • genehackerRegardless of what handycap rating system is used, the course is going to favor some boats/designs over others. In general spinnaker boats get screwed on the tripoint race. With mostly long reaches, they rarely get to use it. I think everyone knows there are boats which are well suited to do well on adjusted time...its kindof the nature of the beast.

    I personally think it would be great if we had "Summer Beachcat Seriese" where there are awards based on the results from multiple races. The three that come to mind are: Frencies Rum Run, The Milt Ingram, and TriPoint. Teams need to compete in all three to qualify. It would be good increase participation in the other races.

    So what your saying is you're bringing the beast known as the Supercat 20 down next year.... That boat would rule the Tri-Point.. icon_cool

    As for the spinnaker boats, yes for the Tri-Point and the Rum Run this is pretty much a useless sail, but for the Milt... you're gonna need it unless your sailing the NACRA 5.8 or 6.0 Norte Merica rig.

    As for making these a series.... gonna be a little hard as these are done by two separate clubs... but doable...

    John Schwartz
    Ventura, CA
  • I have a funny feeling by the time the SC20 was stretching its legs the race would be called off due to high winds!..... but you never know

    Time to update your sig Geno

    Edited by onekiwi on Aug 27, 2015 - 05:55 PM.


    Dart 18x2
    Nacra 5.8
    Windrider Rave x2 for sale
  • I am seriously thinking about joining Island races next year on my Prindle 19 or maybe on another boat. The spectacular views with of Channel Islands are a piece I miss down here in San Diego...it's a nice way to catch a piece of them together with some action from a bunch of boats jockeying for position all along the way..

    1992 Prindle 19
    1981 Prindle 16
  • Do it Mareck, we need more beachcats in the race.Hopefully Tom will be back also.I will talk to the PPYC and see if they can do a tri-point race every weekend in August icon_biggrin icon_biggrin


    Dart 18x2
    Nacra 5.8
    Windrider Rave x2 for sale
  • onekiwiI have a funny feeling by the time the SC20 was stretching its legs the race would be called off due to high winds!..... but you never know

    Time to update your sig GenoEdited by onekiwi on Aug 27, 2015 - 05:55 PM.

    Gino and Carl....

    You guys ever bring the beast down here to wring it out let me know... I would love to get a ride on it..

    John Schwartz
    Ventura, CA
  • onekiwiDo it Mareck, we need more beachcats in the race.Hopefully Tom will be back also.I will talk to the PPYC and see if they can do a tri-point race every weekend in August icon_biggrin icon_biggrin

    Question.... how would you guys feel about being able to camp and launch from the beach that is closer to the mouth of the harbor.... The same place the use to stage the Hobie Blue Water regatta from?

    John Schwartz
    Ventura, CA
  • JohnES, That would be awsome to be able to leave the boats on the beach. That would be so nice compared to the dock/ramp situation.

    The Supercat would do well in rough conditions but its a very heavy boat compared to modern 20ft boats. It would likely be dog in light condtions.

    Geno Hacker
    Lake Isabella, California
    Supercat 20, 1/2 of a B-Lion, H18, P16, H14

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