Great info, thanks for the details.
Nacra 5.0
Nacra Rudder Bungee
- Rank: Mate
- Registered: Nov 25, 2015
- Last visit: Jul 17, 2024
- Posts: 661
- Rank: Mate
- Registered: Aug 18, 2003
- Last visit: Dec 13, 2023
- Posts: 880
The bungee never worked very well for me, i replaced it with rope and added a cleat to the rudder arms Much safer for short distance trailering with the rudders on. -
- Rank: Mate
- Registered: Jul 06, 2009
- Last visit: Nov 01, 2024
- Posts: 395
Ditto. I broke a 3/8 bungee on Sunday. I left them up for a long race and the floating up and down sawed the line. Sanding the casting would do the trick, but I have another want. My Trac 14 would lift the rudders sky high. With them up, the jib furled, and main centered the boat would drift slowly backwards. I miss being able to "park" on the water. I was also launching straight from a trailer to the beach and the angle of attack caused the rudders to hit ground first. The 5.2 I am grabbing next week was converted to lifting lines. Once I see it I may switch my 5.0 over.
FYC, Nacra 5.2 "Chris's Flyer" & Nacra Playcat & Farrier Tramp
Previously owned: Trac 14, H14, H16, H18, N5.0, G-cat 5.0
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