My H18 jib block feels rough as tension increases on the jib sheet when sheeting in. Thinking bearings in pulley are shot. Anybody ever drilled the rivets, disassembled, and replaced the bearings? Hate to drop $200 on a new one.
Tim Young
Hobie 18' + other stuff that floats and goes.
H18 Jib Block Bearing Replacement
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Maybe start by trying to flush out the block with water?
I've never taken one apart, but I know with the cam cleats, you definitely want to assemble/disassemble in a cardboard box lid or some type of container because when you start taking it apart the bearings fly everywhere.
Also, I've seen recommendations that you spray the parts with shaving cream before assembling. This will hold the bearings in place while you're putting it back together. Then after it's assembled, rinse with water to wash out the shaving cream. Seems like a good idea.
sm -
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If you'll look at classifieds here, you'll see my ad for Seaway blocks. Have H-18 jib blocks with slider for $30 plus $6 shipping. Pete -
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Hey Tim,
You're gonna wanna think twice before you drill out those rivets.
Finding a machine to replace the rivets is difficult, which leaves you with bolting them back together.
You will need to get the bolt tension exactly right, and then super glue/locktite the nuts on. If the bolt is too long, it will catch any line that moves by, unless you cut it off flush. Castle nuts are not a good solution here either.
You could have many hours and multiple tries involved in a solution that still may not work well.
Sheet In!
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I purchased a used set of Harken blocks that were very sticky.
Soaked them in in a bucket of soapy water for a couple of days, spinning the sheaves a few times/day, both with the ratchet on & off, so I could spin them in both directions.
Whatever crud was in there got flushed out & they work fine now.
I have an extra set of Harken ratcheting jib blocks if yours do turn out to be toast, send me a PM.
I donate $5 to Damon for anything I sell here.
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soak in almost boiling water to break up the salt crystals (if used in saltwater) and dirt
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