Thanks Ed and the-renovator.
Here is what I have found/done.
The clevis pins that came with the boat were indeed too long. I replaced them with a shorter pin with less grip:
Since the inside fork width is wider than the tang, the fork can move away from the mast up to the difference in those two dimensions. To get the fork as close to the mast as possible, I installed washers between the tang and the fork on the mast side:
Lastly, I slid clear vinyl tubing over the entire fork/tang assembly, 1/2" ID X 5/8" OD X 8" length. It is a very tight force fit at the top:
I sailed the boat yesterday for a couple of hours in 8-15 kts. with no jams or hangs. So, maybe problem solved.
Note First Impressions:
With me, 180 lbs. and crew 170 lbs. the warp drive engaged at about 12 kts., hard hiking no trap, crew just in front of shroud, me way back the boat balanced well about 4" of lee bow above water, windward hull lightly skimming. In hard hits 15 kts. and up I had to dump some main to keep from burying the lee bow.
The boat seems stern heavy and I'm only running about 4 deg. of mast rake??? In lighter conditions we had to get very forward on the boat to get the bows down about half way.
Film at 11.
Hobie 16 (3 formerly)
MacGregor 25 (formerly)
Chrysler Dagger 14 (formerly)
NACRA 5.0 (currently)
High Point, NC