So I got 3 questions regarding repairs for my Mystere Catamaran. Please note I have never made any type of fiberglass repair but have watch extensive youtube video about how to do it... for what its worth...
1- Delamination on Hull
Mystere cat have a V shape hull. On one of my hull the back lower corner suffers from delamination and I am unsure on how to fix it.
I would like to avoid removing everything as this is my first repair and I do not mind getting professional help after the season if the repairs dont hold.
On the pictures bellow I have highlightedin red the delamination line in red, there is also a very small hole that goes inside the hull.
When I started to sand I tought this was a small repair but it turned out bigger and bigger untill water started to drip...

I am thinking of dooing the following:
- Epoxy with a small amount of coaxial filler injected with syringe in delaminations cracks and holes
- Wait some time see if it holds
- Fiberglass over the affected area going to the other side(Should I sand more to cover more unaffected areas?)
2- Hull blade adhesive is missing
Under my hull theres a metal blade that protects the catamaran when beaching it... quite usefull for protecting the hull in area where no sand can be found.
The blade is currently joined to the hull with some sort of resistent but yet somewhat elastic coacking (No idea what the product is... realy)
Notice on the picture on the right side the adhesive is missing

I am thinking to use WestSystem 655-8 G/flex Epoxy ... it's a type of epoxy that is less strong but apparently more malleable. It is however most probably much less elastic than what ever is currently on the blade. Any idea what I should use?
3- Winterize cat / emptying water?
Mystere 5.0 cat have a strange hull shape and the water plug is located at the back on the top... this makes emptying fully the water very hard. Any idea what I should do...
Tools currently at my disposal
- WestSystem Epoxy & Hardner 105/205
- Fiberglass biaxial 15oz
- WestSystem 655-8 G/flex Epoxy
- WestSystem Colloidal Silica Filler 406
- WestSystem low density Filler 407