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Hobie 16 Mast Step repair  Bottom

  • So I'm looking at my new to me 16 and the Mast Step has popped up. Not a huge deal - I figured this would do it: http://www.thebeachcats.c…pictures?g2_itemId=12223

    But the threads to the dolphin striker are stripped out to the point where it runs freely up and down.

    The quest is, how important is it to have the striker screwed into the mast step? I'm thinking that I should just buy a new one, but am also toying with just epoxying the step to create new threads.


    Chris Lewis
    Wilmette, IL
  • The dophinstriker is the backbone of your boat. I would strongly recommend you just get a new one. If it fails you are likely to fold the boat up in the middle of sailing.

    Dave Bonin
    1981 Nacra 5.2 "Lucile"
    1986 Nacra 5.7 "Belle"
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
  • Agreed. Don't half ass this one or you're likely to regret it. Buy a new step and make sure everything is secure the way it should be.

  • Yea, I was figuring this was pretty important, and have the new mast step shipping this week. The mast has a new base, so I was wondering how important the shorter shrouds are - note this is mostly recreational, not a racer.

    Chris Lewis
    Wilmette, IL

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