Interlux does not recommend that mere mortals spray this stuff and I can understand why. It is the most tricky paint I have ever encountered, ever. It is also toxic as all get out. But when it works this stuff is crazy glossy. I found that spraying the hulls on their sides was one of the key things that started making the finish work, but mainly because with the lighting in my shop I could finally see when I was spraying too much or too little and the difference between those two conditions is microscopic with this paint. Too much and it looks good for a while and then creeps into a run. Too little and the surface is dry and looks like crap. I can attest to all of these conditions after sanding all of them off. This has been one very expensive learning session and I will admit that I about gave up and took the hulls to a body shop, then tried one last little setup change and struck pay dirt.
I have just one more side to spray and then it will be time to assemble the boat. One hull is finished and is ready for assembly now. The Awlgrip 2000 gray on the aluminum stuff looks fantastic with this dark blue. Soon some wild tangerine sails are going to show up and this will be a show stopper of a boat. What a way to spend a summer, sanding, sanding some more, more sanding and on and on.
Here is what it looks like a few minutes after spraying:
Having fun in Scappoose, Oregon
I also know what my next project has to be, painting the dang shop floor, dark blue does not get it.
NACRA 5.2 #400
This End Up
Original owner since 1975