There's a colleague here on BeachCats selling an '88 Prindle 18 on a trailer. I recently moved close to the water in Maryland, and I'm returning to cat sailing after several decades.
Is this a good deal?
What about that pink sail? Wow. Is everyone gonna laugh at me?
"What about that pink sail? Wow. Is everyone gonna laugh at me? icon_confused "
I actually think it looks pretty cool
get it while it is still October...!
Breast Cancer Awareness month!
I agree if the boat is solid then it is a good deal. Check the top and sides for soft spots. Check the transom for
repairs. Pink sail would not bother me but if they laugh just tell them that you are sailing the wife's boat today.
-- Pete Knapp
Schodack landing,NY
Goodall Viper,AHPC Viper,Nacra I20 --
Frankly, assuming it is complete as described "ready to sail" it look under-priced. Really just the galvanized trailer, wheels, and fiberglass storage boxes are worth nearly the asking price.
I think the sail looks fabulous. But most important, if that is a recent picture, it looks to be in great condition and not even faded.
Check for soft spots in the decks forward of the front cross beam. If she's good bring her down to Point Lookout we'll be able to spot her from across the river at Lewisetta with that sail.
-- '82 Super Cat 15
Hull #315
Previously owned: '70 H14, '79 H16, '68 Sailmaster 26, '85 H14T --
Everyone, thanks so much for your inputs, advice (and reassurance on that sail!)
Maybe I'll stick a big pink ribbon decal on the sail too. Heck, if the guys in the NFL can wear pink socks and cleats, I can sail pink with confidence.
I plan to go have a look within a weekend or two.
If it's as good as it looks in the pics, the seller is gonna be happy to have found a buyer.
To all you Maryland Chessies, watch for me on the bay.
You won't be able to un-see me out there.
There was a Columbia 29 in South Florida that had decks painted the same color. The owner swore it was the best color when getting beat on by the sun. He had some sea miles under him so no one dared make fun of him, quite a site to see though.