With many of us sailing cats that are 20+ years old, and on this site many a tale of component breakage at sea, I'm curious what you experienced cat sailors pack away in your pontoons in the event of an emergency.
There's a helpful thread on a first aid kit, but I'd love to know what kinds of extra line, connectors, commonly failing parts and fix-it tools you take with you just in case?
What are some of the most common hardware failures while at sea, and what's your advice on quick band aid fixes when you need to doggy paddle back home?
Thanks in advance everyone.
Emergency kit?
- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: Oct 17, 2016
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We keep a small variety of parts with us while sailing; typically, several pieces of spectra (10-12" long) as well as a 6-8 shackles of various sizes and a couple of pins and rings, not to mention a small roll of duct tape and a heavy duty multi tool.
We don't keep anything in the hulls because if you flip and the parts you need are in the hull, you might not be able to get to them. Instead we split the parts between our life jackets and a zippered pouch attached to the tramp. -
- Rank: Mate
- Registered: May 08, 2013
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I carry spare everything. Shackles, rudder pins, clevis pins. I have a spare shroud and forestay zip tied under my tramp. I carry gorrilla tape, quick cure epoxy puddy and sail tape. I sail around some desolate areas where help is far away and much of the beach is uninhabited barrier islands. One new addition to my kit is dynema\amsteel line. You can use it to replace a shroud or stay or you can use it as a shackle.
Another thing worth noting is doing a presail inspection. Many times things are showing signs of wear and we are just to busy getting on the water to look. I always check where wire wraps around thimbles. I check to make sure shackles are tight and not deformed. I look and feel for cracks on the hulls from a previous sail. I check traveler tracks to make sure they are not pulling up. I check bolts that hold tramp frame to hulls, I check and make sure diamond wires have snug tension.
Of course some of the best gear for equipment failure is a good VHF, a good life jacket(One that fits, and one you wear), day and night flares and plenty of fresh water. With those things you are in pretty good shape to get out of a bad situation
I know most beachcat sailors don't carry one, but an anchor can be huge. If something breaks and you lose the rig, not drifting out to sea is a good feeling. -
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- Registered: Mar 19, 2004
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I think it really depends on where and how you're sailing.
If I'm sailing in a regatta, I don't bring much. A multi-tool, maybe a couple shackles, a little bit of line. That's about it. I know that if I break down, there will be plenty of help around.
On the other hand, if I'm ocean sailing, or just out sailing alone, I take more precautions. VHF radio, a heavy tow rope (old main or jib sheet), extra sailing apparel, righting bag, maybe a small paddle, and some extra tools.
sm -
- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: Sep 26, 2015
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Definitely anchor and paddles: I have a small folding anchor and telescoping paddles that stow nicely in a tramp pocket. As Jalex said, drifting out to sea doesn't feel so good, and neither does being close to land and having no way to get there.
H16 back in the day
SC17 right now
Bradenton, FL
-- -
- Rank: Master Chief
- Registered: Jun 20, 2006
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i carry a St Bernard
The St Bernard carries rum in case of emergency (like running out of rum) :)
jk - i carry lots of extras,
i'd rather have 10lbs extra and be ready for most things that can/do happen on the water
a SHARP nife (even a $3 walmart knife will work as long as it's new)
medical kit with wound-stop powder (can be tough to get cuts to stop bleeding when you still have to move/sail), lots of gause and tape, superglue (for cuts/ wounds, anti-bacterial stuff)
anchor is allways on boat
paddle (2 if i have crew)
warm gear in a dry bag (spares incase i get wet)
phone (vhf preferred if going anywhere off shore)
spare glasses (no fun if caught after sunest with only prescription sunglesses on)
small tool kit with most things i may need
spare line
enough water for the day +
food and rum on a good day -
- Rank: Mate
- Registered: Feb 05, 2011
- Last visit: Jun 15, 2021
- Posts: 575
VHF, cellphone in watertight case, cash, credit card ,drivers license, first aid kit, shackles, rudder pins, line, flashlight, distress flag, anchor, drogue, paddle/boat hook, a knife w/ marlin spike, multi tool, small compass, whistle.
A couple of cans of sardines and a plastic fork.
'82 Super Cat 15
Hull #315
Previously owned: '70 H14, '79 H16, '68 Sailmaster 26, '85 H14T
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