Hi there, I would take the advice of these people here! They are giving you good advice. Run away from this one. OK I just looked at a Hobie 18 in Atlanta Ga. Posted recently its is the white one sitting next to the blue tractor. The man who bought it knew nothing about it and a very nice person. We checked it for solf spots all over. Crunch,crunch,then he was sick. He owned a shop and told his worker to bring over a sawzaw. He cut off the first 6 feet of the hull. Wow! We inspected it and the inside fiberglass strip along with the outside glass was totally separated with rotton foam inside. I noticed that the inside glass was so thin it could be rolled up. The outside fiberglass was a little thicker. I didn't realize the fiberglass was so thin. Now I am reluctant of buying an older boat. This boat appeared rough even before we checked for solf spots. The whole boat was delaminated. OK, so a boat looks nice with paint and all the nice hardware just make sure its solid. The boat owner told me he is redoing the add as parts list. By the way, notice the front crossbar has a welded brace from a crack! The mast looked fine and sails were a little faded but I did not see all of them rolled out to check for inspection.The trailer was a heavy duty type with rust.The tires were good.
Edited by ec on Apr 26, 2017 - 11:06 AM.
Tom Bainbridge, Ga. Hobie16, prindle 18.2
HELP! Foam Filled Hobie 16 hulls??
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They are especially hard to find because the owners, like Bob here, buy up all the others in their area!He is right about it being a great single handed cat. It is about 100 lbs lighter than a P, H or N 18, and was designed for ocean sailing in the North Sea.
Sheet In!
Prindle 18-2 #244 "Wakizashi"
Prindle 16 #3690 "Pegasus" Sold (sigh)
AZ Multihull Fleet 42 member
(Way) Past Commodore of Prindle Fleet 14
Arizona, USA
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Plenty of H16s have been and are still tearing up the Mississippi sound. Highly recommend that you hook up with the Ocean Springs YC folks and familiarize/sail on some different boats before you make decisions based on internet fodder (like mine). I'll be sailing my H16 (along with a lot more H16s and other cats) out of there to Ship Is. in a few weeks.
Jerome Vaughan
Hobie 16
Clinton, Mississippi
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