I'm new to the forum and also new to my '83 Nacra 5.0. I was a little surprised to see the way the spreader passes right through the mast and I learned on here that there were originally some sort of rubber washers to provide sealing (sure). Today I set out to hopefully seal things up in a different way. Here's a picture before doing anything.
I carefully cut a piece of 1" pvc to fit inside the mast at the hole. By "inside" I mean that the piece had to be slid into position by first removing the mast base. This was ok, since I was resealing it anyway. I chose 1" on purpose because the i.d. is about 1/4" bigger than the hole in the mast.
Once I got everything in place, it was surprisingly easy to slather on a healthy bead of 5200 to the inside of the pipe where it meets the mast. The hole is actually big enough to get your finger in there and create a nice fillet.
My apologies if this is an old idea.
Steve Zicree
Edited by szicree on May 24, 2017 - 08:06 PM.