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Souhtern CA Ocean Races 2017  Bottom

  • Here we are already with the start of summer, and with this I do want to make a shameless plug for a few races we have coming of the coast of Ventura, CA; and the first running for the Ventura Sailing Club Multi-Hull Ocean Race Series.

    All three of theses races count toward the Ventura Sailing Club Multi-Hull Ocean Race Series that is hosted by the Ventura Sailing Club.

    Race #1 Frenchy’s Rum Run, June 24th, 2017

    This starts at the Mandalay buoy, runs out to Frenchy’s cove @ Anacapa Island and back to Ventura Harbor. This is not that technical of a race and a good way to “cut your teeth” on open ocean racing. The winds usually line up pretty nice for a beam reach out Anacapa and a screaming beam reach in.

    NOR and Entry Form will be posted soon. If you have any questions contact Bob Martinez amx70401@yahoo.com

    Race #2 The Milt Ingram Trophy Race, Saturday July 8th, 2017

    Again starting near the Mandalay buoy, the race proceeds to Platform Grace and then Anacapa Island, leaving them to port with a reach to the Ventura Harbor Whistle Buoy to starboard, and finishes in the Ventura Harbor entrance channel. Got a spinnaker boat, this is your race.

    PBYC will provide a chase boat for this race and will need at least five beach cats entered to make a class.

    NOR - http://pbyc.org/wp-content/uploads/Milt-NOR-2017.pdf
    Entry Form - http://pbyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017_IS_Entry-Form.pdf

    Race #3 Tri-point Ocean Race, Saturday August 19th, 2017

    I have nicknamed this race the Simile Maker as there is not one person that does this race that doesn’t have a Cheshire Cat grin from ear to ear… Last year we had a few first, one being is the beach cat class had more boats that all the other classes combined and our first female skipper… THIS IS A FULL ON BEACHCAT RACE, and usually brings a few cat sailing legends out of hiding. If you’re planning on any of them this is the one to do, but I do encourage that you sign up for all three.. Again this race starts at the Mandalay Buoy offshore from the Mandalay Power Plant, proceeds around Platform Gina for a screaming beam reach to Anacapa Island with an upwind climb along the backside of Anacapa Island with another screaming beam reach back to Ventura Harbor. T

    NOR http://www.pbyc.org/RACING/2012_IS%20NOR.pdf
    Entry Form - http://pbyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017_IS_Entry-Form.pdf

    Edited by JohnES on May 24, 2017 - 01:52 PM.

    John Schwartz
    Ventura, CA

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