Time for some day dreaming. Forget the job and responsibilities....
Say you wanted a boat that you could use for beach camping for weeks or months at a time..... You wanted something tough that did not get overpowered too easily in heavy winds and would not get damaged too much by the occasional rock (think Florida Keys). My thoughts are that the Getaway kills the Hobie Tandem hands down. The Tandem is cool if you don't already know how to sail, but the Getaway seems to have many of the characteristics of the ultimate adventuring boat. Fast (relative term, not fast compared to N20), tough, two tramps. Am I missing something?
Hobie Getaway or Hobie Tandem Island as the Ultimate Expedition Boat
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I've thought about this also. A friend here had a Getaway then got a Weta and now has a Hobie Adventure Island. He complained that the Getaway was too difficult to rig by himself, and the Weta took too long to rig. He now swears by his Adventure Island.
But I tend to lean in the same direction as you. I'm more interested in a boat that is more sailing oriented than a sailing kayak. But besides being easier to transport and rig, the Adventure Island is also a better human propelled boat. So if you anticipate paddling a fair bit, that might be worth considering.
For me, I have no reservations about mounting an outboard motor. Paddling an 18 / 20 foot cat against any current doesn't sound very appealing to me. ;) -
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Hi Trappy. This is an area where I have better than "lubber" experience. I still own an AI (for now).
The Adventure Island, and the Tandem version are car-topable, launch anywhere, do anything, safe in any condition crafts that really don't have any market equal. The furlable sail, the efficient pedal or paddle system and the options of putting tramps, benches, spinnakers and small motors on them, make them ideal for safe exploring, great fishing and camping. They are not cheap. They are not speed machines, but never slow.
And if they can win the Everglades challenge against every other type of boat, they will provide you with a vacation full of fun summer camping. There's an experienced group that camps the florida coasts, year round. Check them out on the Hobie forums.
But- if you can beach the Getaway and leave the mast up all the time, it's the better choice. If you tend to drag 2 or more folks along with you, particularly kids, the Getaway, with wings and a motor mount wins hands down. (Not cheap either). I don't think you would love it so much if you had to step/rig it every time.
But if bulletproof hulls and higher performance trump everything else on your wishlist, could you wetdream about a "new" T2?
Prindle 18
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I've owned both. I was not a big fan of the Adventure island (TANDEM). I thought the tandem was heavy and awkward. It has very low capacity compared to getaway. The getaway is heavier, but can carry twice the people. No matter what the conditions the tandem is a wet ride. Also on the tandem you are stuck in the seat you can't really move round. The getaway is roomy and dry. As far as speed goes the getaway is much faster, unless there is no wind then you can out peddle it in the tandem. As far as rigging goes I can rig mine solo in about 20 min. Putting up the mast is super easy, no need to leave it up all year. -
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It CAN a wet ride. Part of the appeal of scooting along right at the waterline. Ok for warmer waters.
But with Haka benches or tramps added there is no reason you need to sit there an stay soggy. You can hike out, like on a cat. Also spray skirts help greatly.
Frankly, I get wetter on a Nacra 5.2 than on the TI. Not sure my feet got wet on the Getaway. It's all relative.
Did you feel the TI was heavy/awkward from a launching or sailing perspective?
Prindle 18
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As far as camping platform, it's hard to beat a beachcat. It guarantees a certain level of comfort. You can nudge the bows up on a mangrove island, rocky beach, muddy shore, and the tramp provides a place to sleep and cook. If you are looking for a place to camp with the AI you may be looking for a while to find a decent spot. -
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Well do you want a Kayak or not?
As far as a non-racing beach cat goes, its hard to beat a getaway. My wife and I really enjoyed ours, it was a hoot in big big breeze. We took ours out with 4 adults in some cranking wind (like truly cranking) it was super wet and it couldnt keep the bows up. We had a great time until I stuffed it into a wave and the sidestay popped. Getting it back home dismasted was a fun adventure all on its own.
Greenville SC
Offering sails and other go fast parts for A-class catamarans
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every boat has it's place and it's optimal job
tough to compare a sailable trimer-yak to a beach catamaran
it's like comparing a minivan and a harley - both will get you to the store but completely different how
Edited by MN3 on Jul 24, 2017 - 08:21 AM. -
- Rank: Lubber
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I've raced most beach cats and I must say that my getaway is one of the best boats I've ever owned. Mostly because I can take everyone with me. We can load the coolers full of beer and sodas for the kids and blast around anywhere down here in San Diego! I've had myself and my wife our five kids and two other kids with us! 9 people in 20 knots of breee and the kids were loving it! If you have a family you can't beat a getaway -
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No fans of the T2 around here, eh? Well, Hobie and I will keep searching for one,..
Prindle 18
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