We are thinking about replacing our entire rudder system on our G-Cat. Looking for recommendations - what has worked for any G-Cat owners out there?
G-Cat 5.0 rudders
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- Registered: Jul 29, 2017
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Just curious why you want to change? I've thought about it because I always think those plastic clips are going to break but they havent yet. I think we can just remove our gugeons, fill the holes and install gugeons for whatever system we want. I like Hobie rudder systems, you could get a Hobie 16 system pretty cheap, and I really like that system if you keep up with cam maintenance -
- Rank: Lubber
- Registered: Jul 29, 2017
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They are not in great shape and don't fit the boat properly. Finding G-Cat rudders seems to be a problem so just bite the bullet and get all new (to us) system. I think that is what the owners before us did and didn't install them all that well (I am not 100% sure what they are now, but I know they are not G-Cat). Any hot tips on where to get a Hobie 16 system? Do you think the getaway system would work bet
ter? -
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Collierville (Memphis), TN
Supercat 15--sold :(
Hobie monocat--given
Vanguard 15--traded for...
Nacra 4.5--sold
Nacra 5.7
Hobie 14–sold to make room for...
Supercat 17–sold
-- -
- Rank: Mate
- Registered: May 08, 2013
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I think a getaway rudder system would work, and I don't think the Hobie 16 system is an ideal candidate but it would work, and I feel like you are most likely to find a used complete system at reasonable price. If you go that route make sure you use the one piece die cast gugeon piece, it's the only way to fly. -
- Rank: Master Chief
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I think it is doable but your gonna change the boat handling characteristics and will prob need to adjust mast rake to correct it
we have lots of g-cats around here, rudders are always an issue but the g-cat system is pretty great - i was out all day on a gcat 5.7 in 25 knots - yea haw!
if the top clip starts to fail - put a small bolt with fender washers on it and it will fix that issue for a long time -
- Rank: Mate
- Registered: May 08, 2013
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I agree it will take some tweaking, mast rake, rudder rake, toe in etc. Original equipment is usually best but I agree the rudders and castings are hard to find. I'd say try to make your Gcat rudders work but it sounds like you have something that doesn't belong anyway. Post a want ad in the Tampa Bay Craigslist, I see some 5.0s for sale every so often, someone has to have some spare parts. There is also a Gcat owners Facebook page you could ask if anyone had some for sale, or I could if you are not a Facebooker. If you can, post a pic of your current setup, I'm just curious -
- Rank: Master Chief
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Glen from Sail honeymoon built a set of Gcat rudders - they broke apart
the guy who used to rent gcats on anna maria built a few pair with the same molds - my buddy bought/broke a set of those quickly
the last owner of the sail shop in clearwater made a mold and built a mystere rudder - it separated
a lot of skill and knowledge needed to build a set of rudders but it is possuble
St Pete was the "home" of g-cat so the tampa area has lots of gcats (over 2000 built)
Edited by MN3 on Jul 30, 2017 - 03:21 PM.
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