when I got better at sailing it, and wanted to go really fast, or lift a haul, I noticed that the main sheet mechanism on it pretty much doesn't make sense, or there is something I need to do that I am not.
this is my main sheet block

problem with it , is that whenever I pull in the sail in, the line will cleat automatically, and then when I wanna loosen the sail i have to yank the line downwards to un-cleat and let the line go . and if I am sitting towards the front , yanking it down is not easy at all.
I have sailed a hobie wave , which is more basic, but has a better mechanism at the main sheet . and looks like this

with this main sheet , you can pull and let go of the sail easily without cleating, and when you wanna cleat, you just pull the line down.
I checked the main sheet system on hobie cat 16 and it looks like its the same as mine.

so my question is , do I need to take off the cleats in order to have better control on my sails ? and hold the line all the time ?
is that what performance sailors do with their cats ? or is there another way to have the line free , and cleat it whenever you want to cleat it ?
thanks a lot.
Roger El Hajj
Dubai, UAE