Tom the seller told me over the phone he replaced the leaf springs bearings and tires 2 years ago and everything was in excellent condition. By the way after speaking with Tom for the first time after the first min I knew he was a Jerk!!!
Anyhow....after driving 5 hours to met Tom I looked over the cat the mast has a bow in it and looks like someone hit the comp-tip with a hammer at mid point ...... overall seemed to be good enough for a newbies first sail boat to learn on. After inspecting the trailer I showed the Jerk that all the components from the leaf springs to the ground was totally rusted out and I mean RUSTED OUT!!!! A Freaken Death Trap, he insisted that it was sound trailer and safe to tow ....... I reminded him I had a 5 hour drive on interstate to get back home ...... again he insisted it was safe ....... I could not believe what I was hearing from Tom....At this point I was thinking he was not only a Jerk, but an Idiot TO!
Notes about the trailer inspection:
Trailer axle, leaf springs, bolts and u bolt bracket .... I'm like WOW....totally rusted out. UBolt bracket for example use to be 1/4" steel plate after knocking the rust off it was 1/16" thick!!!!.....On one tire the rim is swollen from rust in the center around all the studs...a disaster just waiting to happen.The hanger bolt and nut for leaf springs had rusted completely OFF yes that right COMPLETELY OFF. The spring clips ...... Completely GONE .... I pulled/flaked them off with my fingers ....... Very surprised the entire suspension system hasn't totally fallen apart just sitting at the boat yard.
Most important thing you should be concerned with about Tom!
The Trailer is a death trap for you and anyone that would be traveling behind you. Tom just doesn't CARE about your life or anyone else for that matter ..... He just wants to sell it at any cost!!!! His wife must be so proud of him!!! Imagine knowing your selling a Cat with a trailer held together with rust that's obviously not road worthy ....... Imagine your watching the evening news the next day and find out there was a 10 car pile up on Hwy 10 where Tom's Cat trailer disintegrates and there are multiple injuries and a Woman and her children died?
If Tom sells it tomorrow after I've made Tom the Idiot aware of the problems and dangers, and someone dies from the trailer disintegrating on a hwy and causes a death or even just auto injuries....Do you think the state of Florida should charge Tom with Manslaughter?
Edited by sailerrick on Dec 24, 2017 - 02:46 AM.
Still looking for a good used Catamaran
Jacksonville FL
Beware of the Craigslist Seller TOM in Niceville FL Selling a Hobie 20 Miracle
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Wow, that sucks. I grew up in Niceville, graduated from NHS in 1984, Mom, was a science teacher there as well. Anyway, don't know who Tom is but he really should've been up front about any and all blemishes concerning the boat. I wonder how old the pictures are that are used in his ad because the trailer looks solid in the pic, although you cant see the axle and springs. I hope you find a good boat and wish you good luck in your search.
I once drove 4 hours in a borrowed truck on my only day off to look at a Hobie 14 that looked good in the ad and I talked to the owner a couple of times. When I saw the boat needed a lot of "Love" and the trailer tires were dry rotted, I politely declined, jumped back in the truck and went straight home. I looked at 3 or 4 boats before finding the one I have now.
Edited by martyr on Dec 24, 2017 - 07:13 PM.
1984 Hobie 16 Redline Yellow Nationals, "Yellow Fever"
Opelika, Al / Lake Martin
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Sent me plenty of photos just none of the trailer suspension.....The jerk lied about the trailer still insisting to buy and drive it home!!!!!! Putting people in danger that is life threating..... Knowingly putting lives at risk!!!!!
Edited by sailerrick on Dec 25, 2017 - 01:00 AM.
Still looking for a good used Catamaran
Jacksonville FL
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tough but common lesson
now you know - if you have to drive out of town to see a boat/car/plane/horse...
ask for dozens and dozens of pics and video
of everywhere - esp beam bolts and attachment points
In Tom's defense - 2 years in fl sun/salt can kill an axle and wheels if not covered and all salt removed
BE GLAD IT WAS THIS BAD and you were smart enough to walk away - the boat was probably worse in spots you couldn't see - this wasn't the right boat -
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Sorry that happend, especially since I’m the guy that said you need to travel to get what you want. I’m in the Big Bend of Florida, if you ever want me to glance at cat near here I’m happy to. I commend you on walking away, it can be tough to do.
I’ve been on both sides of this. Drove to Austin once and bought a Hobie 18 sight unseen for $500, and after a Walmart light job drove it 750 miles back and got several years of great sailing on her without even having to buy a drain plug.
Drove 5 hours to get Hobie 16 that had imaculate photos. Got there, trailer was junk and mast was semi buried behind some bushes with some of the standing rigging having been victim to a riding mower. I always replace standing rigging anyway but you’d think that would make it in the ad. Hulls were solid and had some nice after market parts and beach wheels so I negotiated way low and got an axel from a farm and feed type store, with tires already on it, another walmart light job still have her and still get compliments on her although the trailer is now in a scrap yard. -
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This is Tom in Niceville. "sailerrick" is lying. He did not know what he was looking at. I do not beleive he has ever sailed. He "picked" at my Hobie 20 for 2 hours and then declared trailer unfit and asked for a steep discount. I sent him packing after returning his deposit. I stand behind my boat and trailer. I sail in the Gulf off Destin FL and have trailered my boat around Florida with no issues.
See my ad with pics posted today.
I believe I will see sailerrick in small claims court soon for unwarranted public defamation. The guy has issues. -
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Let's make sure this discussion remains civil.
The ad for Tom's H20 is here, thanks for advertising, it's always up to the buyer and seller to determine what is a good deal, so communication and inspection is key.
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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The way I see it. Ask for close pics of boat and trailer. Don't be calling a man a jerk and idiot in a public forum. I have had my share of useless trips looking but wished the people well. Just such it up and move on. Life can be beautiful so I wish all the best and happy new year to all. I'm the other Tom
Tom Bainbridge, Ga. Hobie16, prindle 18.2
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Yeah, the boat looks pretty good for the price. A miracle is Definitely NOT a good choice fur a beginner in any way. You win some you Lose some, which is why you go see it in person. Big overreaction by sailor rick, this didn’t deserve such a post. These are old boats and there are always a few issues with them. If it were me And I really wanted the boat the trailer wouldn’t have been a big issue. A new hobie 16 is running about $ 12k+ Right now...
Dave Bonin
1981 Nacra 5.2 "Lucile"
1986 Nacra 5.7 "Belle"
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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agreed with the posts above
Seems an over reaction to rusty rims and u bolts and springs - these items degrade quickly and are easy as pie to replace (and actually cheap- the mark up on these parts is like 700%)
go to a hardware store ans spend $30 and get new ones all around
Rims rusty? buy new wheels
the trailer actually looks like it is in great shape from the images - of course rust can be found on the bolts - find a single trailer in fl without rusty bolts (that is over a year old) and you are a super detective
3k for this boat seems like a very good deal if the boat is as sound as stated - even sans trailer
I don't think Tom has much of a case - but Rick needs a lesson in etiquette - calling him all sorts of names, dragging his wife into this????? and it is pretty clear - Rick doesn't know / nor listen to advice from those who do - or he wouldn't have gone this route to begin with (picking a very advanced boat that he was warned was not a good choice)
best of luck to both - -
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Gosh if I ever advertise my boat I will just say it's wore out rusty delaminated busted piece of crap just to be safe but it has hope. I'll take this amount××××× and most likely the looker might be pleasantly surprised. I bought a boat that makes the hobie 20 look like a cream puff. I wish I had the money to buy that hobie from Tom. Like mn3 said a few bucks and fix the so called rusty parts on the trailer and you are a happy camper. I am so sorry Tom had to read that mess about him. Happy New year Tom.
Tom Bainbridge, Ga. Hobie16, prindle 18.2
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After first reading this thread, my initial thought was - It’s freakin’ craigslist, what the hell do you expect? You roll the dice, you take your chances, sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesen’t.
This thread should be deleted IMO, it is doing the seller Tom an unwarranted disservice.
sm -
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Amen, delete this thread. The seller is not being treated fairly.
Tom Bainbridge, Ga. Hobie16, prindle 18.2
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Exposing the dangerous lies of Tom the JERK and hes also a Idiot I've had people to message me to thank me for saving them the aggravation, time and gas.
Calling out Tom the JERK I very may have prevented a catastrophe ..... and who knows saved a few lives.
Anyone that has posted negative comments towards me for dragging a Liar/Idiot through the mud that's purposely or maybe hes just a flat out Idiot putting lives in danger should have there head examined!!!
For you mentally challenged trolls, Originally he was asking $3500 ...... hes now lowered the price to $3k ......
Edited by sailerrick on Jan 01, 2018 - 09:43 PM.
Still looking for a good used Catamaran
Jacksonville FL
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I have been reading and conversing on Beachcat site for about 6 years now . I always appreciated the great knowledge and good hearted wit of all the users . This thread has become ugly and beneath the standards of the site .
I wish everyone a Happy New Year !! -
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I've known Tom for a number of years and he's a great guy. In fact I almost bought his boat a few years ago and last time I saw it it was in great shape. Definitely one of the better kept boats in the area and I can't imagine the trailer is any less.
In his defense this last summer I crawled under my trailer to resecure a wire for my trailer lights, I happened to look at my leaf springs and realized they were literally rotting out from under the trailer. I have no idea how they didn't spate from the trailer last time I towed it. I'm very particular about the condition of my boat and trailer so to find the undercarriage in such bad shape was a total shock but it made me realize how fast it can happen.
Happy New Year!!
Another Tom -
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Coming from a person that really knows how to piss people off in seconds flat I will say you're really not looking make friends here...
As my friend of mine that is a Family Law Attorney (Divorce Lawyer) puts it... " there are three sides to the story, his, her's, and the truth... the first one to accuse is usually..." well lets just say somethings are better left unsaid..
Good luck to you sir
Edited by JohnES on Jan 02, 2018 - 01:23 PM.
John Schwartz
Ventura, CA
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Apparently you don't know Tom well..... Everyone knows hes a DICK .... Hell .... It didn't take me 1 minute on the phone before he showed his ass....All I said was Hello Tom.
Tom told me he bought the cat 2 years ago! Please explain to me how you could have almost bought it from Tom a few years ago.
Tom claims to have replaced the leaf springs, tires and bearings 2 years ago ..... Will assume for now that's not a lie to. Who advertises a galvanized trailer and replaces structural bolts and nut, leaf springs etc with non-galvanized components living on the Gulf of Mexico? Maybe a incompetent so called mechanical engineer?
By the way, Tires are dry rotted to!
For those of you which are mentally challenged please read the post as many times as it takes to clearly understand the subject at hand before posting anything else IGNORANT ..... I'll pray for you!
Edited by sailerrick on Jan 02, 2018 - 09:13 PM.
Still looking for a good used Catamaran
Jacksonville FL
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sailerrick please change your tone in future posts. This website does not allow personal attacks or name calling. This isn't Facebook comments!
I understand you were disappointed with the boat you looked at. It happens, I once drove to Huntsville Alabama to look at a beachcat and was pretty horrified with what I found, but everyone's opinion is their own and it didn't occur to me to trash the seller personally.
I allowed your original post "warning" about Tom's boat since it was on Craigslist and things like that do happen, however your further attacks and even lashing out at other members who know Tom is over the top.
For those wanting me to delete the topic, I think right now it's more likely to help Tom sell his boat than not, and anyone looking at it can personally inspect the trailer for themselves.
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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Damon. - Thanks for leaving this up - even though there is a lot of name calling - there is a lot of good info here and Tom should have a place to defend himself
You mentioned he offered to lower the price
This mentally challenged troll could buy new tires, axle and springs (plus hardware) for the $500 (twice)
sounds like he was a motivated seller, trying to work with you to get you a good boat at a good price
Why do you say they were non galvanized? Did he tell you they weren't?
Even if they were Galvanized OR SS - nuts and bolts still die a quick death in florda sun and sand
I have replaced 4 year old SS parts on my custom trailer cause the ss nuts had rusted out - and this boat/trailer is hand washed after use EVERY time. and lives under tarps
Yup - a couple years in Fl can dry rot tires and kill rims - they sell them at Wal-mart
Side note:
When you are calling someone else an idiot, it's a good idea to use correct spelling and capitalization ... or you may look foolish
When you are calling someone else an idiot, it's a good idea to use correct spelling and capitalization (their heads, not there heads)
when slandering someone professional competency, improper spelling/grammar will not help your cause
(Maybe an incompetent ...)
BTW - you have crossed the line into liable with this comment IMHO, attacking his profession
Edited by MN3 on Jan 03, 2018 - 01:44 PM.