I have three mast that are not air tight. Two are Prindle 18s the other is a Prindle 15.
On one of the Prindle 18s the rivets were pulled 2/3 out from the mast stepping plate. So, I have removed the rivets, stepping plate and the mast base.
I was thinking of filling in the holes with JB Weld.
Question 1
If there is something better than JB Weld please advise. If JB Weld is the right way to go which JB Weld product should be used?
Before I removed the stepping plate and base I submerged all the mast, lots of bubbles from rivets. I am thinking of replacing all rivets. I read a few threads on rivets. Some suggested using Monel rivets, Bulb Tite Blind Rivets. I searched Monel Rivets and found Dome Heads, Large Flange and different sizes.
Question 2
If I use Monel Rivets should I use Dome Heads or the Large Flange?
Question 4
What size should I use or do I use different size for Mast tang, mast base, mast head, cheek block, and diamond tangs?
Question 5
What sealing material is best for mast head, mast base and all tangs?
Question 6
Do I use the same material in question 5 for the center of the rivets or are Monel Rivets self sealing?
Thanks for your assistance,
Prindle 18 w/ wings, Prindle 16, Prindle 15, current
Hobie 16 in rebuild
2 Hobie 18 past
NACRA 5.2 past
Saint Cloud, Florida
member Lake Eustis Sail Club