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Prindle 16 Stuff  Bottom

  • I recently purchased a 1980 Prindle 16 after years in the monohull (slow) world. My issue with the boat is the rudder system. Someone has it rigged beyond repair. I might be able to salvage the blades and the rudder castings but the rest is pretty much toast. Is there a good source for new parts left or does anybody know who and where I could buy good used ones. Is there rudder system from other cats that might work with little effort on the Prindle?

    Condor 16
    Hobie 14 Turbo
    Prindle 16
  • Brian,

    I know of a gentleman in Texas that has a catamaran grave yard of old parts. He will have everything you might need. Great guy - name is Tim - here's his phone nbr: eight three two 594-08 two four. Ebay account is tdive5
  • Thanks for the tip Mason.

    Condor 16
    Hobie 14 Turbo
    Prindle 16
  • pictures may help you get it figured out on your own
    there are lots of people here who know those systems very well
  • Hi mason.... Was that number you gave his cell number? Id like to text him. Thanks.

    Prindle 15/Hobie 16/Hobie 14T
  • It's his cell...should be able to text him
  • https://www.ebay.com/sch/…13&_nkw=prindle&_sacat=0


    Frankentri 5.8/5.5/Inter20
    Aerow trimaran foiler


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