This lady has a YouTube channel with tons of videos on home improvement topics that are very beginner-friendly. I noticed that she has one on riveting that is likely too basic for many of you, but could be helpful to someone who is new to sailing:
Dana, Holly, Emma & Hannah
LJ/Stu's Dart 18 (Sold! :( )
Riveting for beginners
- Rank: Mate
- Registered: Oct 26, 2017
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- Registered: Jun 15, 2016
- Last visit: Apr 14, 2022
- Posts: 181
Some of the best advice I've read here is to also use Tef-gel or similar compound to isolate stainless rivets from aluminum. This prevents galvanic corrosion due to dissimilar metals. -
- Rank: Mate
- Registered: Apr 22, 2015
- Last visit: May 21, 2023
- Posts: 484
Great basic video overall, but the way she changes her grip 2:25 - 2:29 from around both handles to around top handle only is a major league no no as in knuckle crusher. How do I know, crushed knuckles. She's pulling 1/8" aluminum rivets which pull MUCH easier than 3/16" stainless steel rivets commonly used on cats.
Hobie 16 (3 formerly)
MacGregor 25 (formerly)
Chrysler Dagger 14 (formerly)
NACRA 5.0 (currently)
High Point, NC
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- Rank: Mate
- Registered: Jun 30, 2018
- Last visit: Feb 12, 2025
- Posts: 601
Oh, and if you buy the Harbor Freight pneumatic rivet gun, use way less hydraulic fluid than they imply/state-man what a mess! But, for the manager price, it works great. Also found Albany Fasteners great to deal with when looking for sealed rivets in stainless and aluminum. Haven't found monel rivets yet.
Chuck C
NACRA 500 Mk2
Hobie 21se (sold)