There's a record attempt going on right now. A 20ft Cat is attempting best a 9.6knt average for 2551 nm. I don't know much else about it as their site is in Italian perhaps? Live tracking can be seen here.
Nacra 6.0 NA
Ogden Dunes, IN
Trans Atlantic Beachcat record attempt
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Thanks for posting this. I found the English translate button at the bottom of the page.
Incredible. How do they sleep?
Nacra 5.0
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My browser has no such button, but I can highlight and translate. I think they're strapping themselves down and sleeping. they're making good time. I've seen anywhere from 13-16knts. I heard they're going to do the Worrell 1000 on the way back...
Nacra 6.0 NA
Ogden Dunes, IN
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Love the boat, it was custom designed for crossing the Atlantic, it's already crossed the Atlantic once in 2017.
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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Damon Linkous
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"It is a very solid boat, fast and unsinkable by its 14 watertight compartments. "
words i would never use to describe a displacement boat -
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The Titanic was deemed "unsinkable" also and we all know how that turned out.
1984 Hobie 16 Redline Yellow Nationals, "Yellow Fever"
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I had the same thought when I read that bit. Maybe no icebergs at that latitude...
Nacra 6.0 NA
Ogden Dunes, IN
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Sinkable or not, they are sailing an open 20 foot beach cat across the Atlantic - plenty of other potential ways for the sh!t to hit the fan real quick.
sm -
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Can people not learn from HIST0RY!!! This has been tried before, see below tale of the H18 crossing. BOTH PARTICIPANTS SAID DO NOT DO THIS AGAIN!!!
Tony Laurent, profiled in the January/February Hobie Hotline 1987 issue, is one of the most experienced Hobie sailors in the world. Daniel Pradel is a seasoned French sailor and veteran of many races, including a
lot of Hobie sailing experience. The two men thought they were prepared. We hope others who may be planning such adventures take note.
"When the two sailed into the marina, it turned out that they needed a lot more help
than food alone could provide. They had to be carried to a small restaurant, the Royal,
where a doctor was summoned to apply first aid to their wounds while they stuffed
themselves with their first full meal since the beginning of their journey. Pradel's feet,
which had seldom been atop the wings and were always submerged in salt water, were
just tattered flesh. The skin was torn away over most of their surface. Laurent had
deep wounds and scars over his butt and thighs as well as craters on his feet a
millimetre deep. Both men's hands were covered with wounds that had crusted and
would not heal. Each cut, which never had a chance to dry and heal properly, was
infected. Their circulation suffered the effects of blockage due to sitting and crouching
in one position for hours on end and their hips and knees were paralyzed. Every
movement brought tears to their eyes, but the worst wasn't over. They were almost in
a state of shock. With their eyes glazed and the circulation problems preventing any
feeling in their lower extremities, the pain was not nearly a horrible state, I remember
that never as bad as it would become. Later in the evening of their first day on land,
Pradel was wheeled to a restaurant to have dinner with friends while Laurent slept in
his hotel room. Pradel's meal consisted of two large steaks, a plate of vegetables,
noodles and six large pieces of cake. Then he too retired for the evening.
The next day, both men could barely move. Pradel, despite being given tranquilizers,
was tortured by the dressings on his feet, which began to come back to life during the
night. Tears welled in his eyes for three hours. Groggy, he kept asking for someone to
help him. Finally, when he managed to fall asleep, he felt himself aboard the boat,
unable to stop the rolling movement or the hammering of the waves in his ears. In his
dream he stretched his hand for a tool and some food only to have the waves wash
them away. With infected third degree burns over his feet and during the whole trip did
he once complain."
See THIS LINK page 24 for the complete story. -
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Thankfully people have not listened to this posting and have done this successfully a few times since then
http://www.pressure-drop.…satlantic-On-A-Beach-Cat -
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Regarding Trans Atlantic danger, there were probably the same naysayers in the 15th century.
Luckily for all they set sail anyway.
Nacra 6.0 NA
Ogden Dunes, IN
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Looks like a scene from the Truman show.
Nacra 6.0 NA
Ogden Dunes, IN
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I have now read most of this.
These 2 yahoo's are lucky to have lived through this/ Seriously lucky they didn't need to amputate their feet off.
They woefully over-estimated the ability of a H18 and hugely underestimated what they needed to do this.
"When night came, I asked Daniel not to sleep. The first wave ran toward us, and I've never seen a bigger one. It had to have been more than ten meters. The wind increased to 60 knots and we hauled down all the sails. Despite that, the boat was surfing like crazy. I couldn't control it anymore."
They brought an inflatable mattress to sleep on a hobie in the mid atlantic? haha
they spent days without stretching and exercising their muscles? what did they think would happen?
"Finally, the two learned that even if the boat, rigging and the sails were able to stand up to the punishment, the critical points such as clothing and survival equipment need a lot more preparation and careful thought. Improvements need to be made."
I fully support their statement "DO NOT DO THIS AGAIN!!!"
thankfully future teams had more sense to have the correct survival gear, and a boat specifically built for off shore sailing (although it was still a large risk sailing a 20' . cat across the world)
Edited by MN3 on Feb 11, 2019 - 03:53 PM. -
- Rank: Lubber
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Once again H18 & H21 have done these crossings but don't try it again
"Some times stuck for days!(in the ICE)" "The Arctic is a very Harsh Place!" nice pics of polar bears. Someone should ask why they picked yellow hulls and sails instead of white?
Once again don't do this, but 2 H21's did!!! Cape Horn
It's a testament to the Hobie's H18 & H21 strength that these guys survived, but it was well beyond their boats envisioned design recommendations!!! -
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After 14 days 3 hours and 40 minutes from the departure in front of the Isle of Gorée in Dakar, Ocean Cat crossed the finish line in front of Pointe à Pitre, in Guadeloupe. The two Italian sailors, Giammarco Sardi and Tullio Picciolini have not managed to improve the record Vittorio and Nico Malingri made in April 2017, but have accomplished an equally unique undertaking for the particularly demanding weather conditions they found during the route.