I have good reasons to believe my (carbon) mast is not fully sealed. This makes capsize recovery way harder than it should be. I took one naive stab at sealing it, by poking silicone at all the rivet holes and other openings. Didn't improve things much.
So, planning to take the mast down again, and want to get it right and not have to do it again for a while.
Recommendations? Thoughts?
Also, anything else that might help mast flotability & capsize recovery? I'm already doing quite a few things
- packing and using a righting bag
- using a knot on the righting line, and hooking harness there, pumping w whole body, etc
- easing downhaul for max camber (carbon, bendy rig, laminate fullbatten sails)
If this wasn't a performance cat, I'd totally add a hobie mast ball