In the process of restoring the once powder coated beams on a cat. Now that they're stripped with aircraft stripper (nasty process), I'm looking into coating options after surface prep. It's $300 in material alone for Allcraft by the time you get reducers and converters for both epoxy primer and paint...and that's hoping a quart of topcoat will actually cover both beams for several coats. Of course, I've never used the product and will likely burn through material due to f-ups.
Has anyone successfully painted non-anodized aluminium with Marine Rustoleum? Thoughts on durability? Was thinking I could possibly clear them with a quality automotive clear if I find something that won't react weird.
Open to all thoughts and other suggestions as well. Thanks!
Aluminium beam painting
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I just got both my beams painted by Brian's company (yacht riggers works with a pro painter)
around 200 each - not including prep
i painted zack's old 5.5 beams before i sold it with automotive rustolium (or similar, can't recall)
I actually have painted a few 100,000 underwater mines for the military
and a few 1000 apartments in tampa - so i have a clue or 2 how to paint
my results were poor
my thoughts:
you NEED a paint booth to avoid wind related issues (overspary in areas and underspray in areas) and to avoid dust and dirt to be blown onto your wet paint
can paint needs to be shaken a lot during the process - resulting in uneven layers that are 100% visible when viewed from an angle
cans often clog - shooting clumps of paint and drops
you need professional filtration (pos air flow) or you will be breathing in paint at some point
spray paints have changed their formulation and adding second coats can cause the original layer to peel off (read the google reviews on spray paints - most brands suffer from this issue) - they now say: paint in light coats BUT you can't wait between coats to let dry or the above mentioned issues arise
If you want good results... bite the bullet and get brian's guy to do it
OR bring it to a car paint shop and ask them to do it (but i would go with a marine painter personally)
Edit: catman shot restolium (through his gun, not a can) and clear coated his beams a decade ago
they lasted a long time - have him do it
Edited by MN3 on Apr 30, 2019 - 12:52 PM. -
- Rank: Mate
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LOL at "my results were poor."
I have a 33gal compressor, decent gun, water separators and PPE. As for the paint booth, I know a garage tarped in plastic isn't ideal, but better than outside for conditions. So it's conceivable as a DYI'er. Your beams look way nice and maybe I'll break down and spend the dough. Just seems like every time I turn around it's some other unexpected larger ticket item...iphone died the other day, radiator on my truck is going, oh and I'm having a kid now. Come to find out babies are expensive. Who knew.
I may go the Catman route. Application guides indicate you can shoot their marine topside product reduced with xylene at 15%. Just can't find anything on the webs indicating if you can clear over it.
You're welcome to drive down the street and put those mine-painting skills to use. We're neighbors now (I'm in Scottsdale). -
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yea i realized at lunch that you had been shooting gel-coat and had a set up
If you have a wind proof garage - you can set up a few giant fans to control air flow you should be fine
And the more i thought about it - catman just re-did his 6.0 and his beams were recently repaired by Brian too - so he must have painted them . he is probably your best resource for info or even the work
I know catman clear coated his original job (over rust-o-lium) a decade ago or so ... but as i said the have changed the composition of paints ... and i don't talk with him anymo' so i don;'t know if he clear-coated this time too (or what paint he shot this time)
unless your cat is explosive - i can't use my mine skills (boy that is an odd sentence)
Scottsdale? i thought that was for seniors? -
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Catman's in the mountains riding crotch rockets or dirt-squirters this week. Not sure what he painted his with this last go-around.
I'm 42 now so...does that qualify? It's a big 'hood with lots of boroughs. Some elderly, some not. I'm in the kid/dog section. -
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no but i am sure your liver is well over the min age of 155 years old to live there -
- Rank: Lubber
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Have you considered using a wrap (vinly) in place of painting/coating? Many colors and patterns are available. Low cost and easy to replace over time. -
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Scottsdale is a playground, any way you look at it.
Sun City is for Seniors.
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