All due respect to the poster. looks like a system that works fine but I have several concerns with the images posted above
how is the wooden pole held in place? looks like friction alone. seems like a liability
the line used as the bridal/anti-sway are the same line - if it breaks in 1 place it will effect other location
this same line is not secured to the beam / eye bot (port side) - it is looped around the "dog clip" this could very easily slip - again effecting more than 1 line / area of support
the anti-sway cables are connected to the front of the mast via an eyestrap (i assume there are no trap wires to do this):
1. if a line breaks i have concerns those small rivets are gonna hold the mast up - and if they rip out... that is a bad spot for bent up metal
2. that eye strap would eat up my jib leach
3. how do you get them off the mast after stepping? (looks like it's kinda high up the mast)
here is a vid of a guy with his trap wires connected to his h18 beam (notice the beam is also curved)
I am not a fan of how his traps are connected to the bridals - same reason as above - if one line fails ... it could cause issues with the other safety systems (i.e. if a bridal line breaks .. .it could cause the anti-sway line to fail)
Edited by MN3 on May 28, 2019 - 04:41 PM.