I'm looking for some help though.
For starters, when the sail is loaded up at all, I can't trim the main sheet without it pulling the traveler up. I have no fix for this that I can think of. It basically inhibits me from trimming the main in any small way.
Secondly, and this isn't specific to the new sail, but when I adjust the outhaul and the top block of the main sheet move fore and aft it greatly changes the angle of the main sheet jaws. So when sailing upwind and the main sheet is angled forward the jaws which are on top of the main sheet get angled down so I have trouble releasing it. When sailing downwind and outhaul is out, jaws are too high. Most the new Formula boats I see have the mainsheet attached directly to the clew of the sail so they must have this same issue?
I'm contemplating installing a boom which would eliminate the latter problem, it would also improve mast rotation as an added benefit.
Let me know your thoughts, ideas. Thanks.
Nacra 6.0 NA
Ogden Dunes, IN